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"YES BABY!" Lando screamed as he landed close to the hole. "You guys seeing that? I'm destroying every single one of you," I heard Charles scoff next to me. "Allowing Carlos to take Lando was a bad idea," he mumbled towards me, leaning a bit closer.

"You allowed it," I shrugged, watching Carlos lean forward to distract Lando, hoping he wouldn't hit the hole.

"Yeah because he said he'd feel like third wheeling otherwise! How could I've known that he's so good at golf??" He spoke indignant

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"Yeah because he said he'd feel like third wheeling otherwise! How could I've known that he's so good at golf??" He spoke indignant. After yesterdays short adventure I let myself convince to sleep in my own room next to Alessandra since she was going to leave the next morning. Charles wasn't too happy about that but let me leave in the end. He made sure to mention over text how much he hated her destroying our moment though.

"Hah!" Lando screamed out of joy, turning towards us with his hands in the air. "Hole in two!" Carlos chuckled at his friends words. "I'm sure that doesn't exist," Charles said while walking down the small hill we were standing on towards his own ball.

He stopped in front of it, twirling his golf club a few times. It looked impressive but reminded me of that one scene from Jackson Rathbone in Twilight. "Who are you? Jasper Hale?" I chuckled at his sight. "I wish baby but being your boyfriend is even better than that." Honestly, I was hoping he would stop mentioning it after a while but 24h weren't long enough yet. I mean I enjoyed every bit of hearing him say it but there was really no need to say it every half hour.

"Shut up loverboy and make your turn," Lando leaned on his club, already seeming bored. Charles did as told, totally missing the hole by a few meters. "Owe, you tried," I tapped his shoulder motivating as I passed him to walk towards my own ball, which was around four meters from the hole.

I placed my feet on both sides, grabbing the club. I swung it a few times to test how hard to go, settling on a soft dodge with the tip. The ball rolled shortly, not too quick but still hitting the hole. "Yesss!!" I spoke excited. "I don't wanna sound rude but you needed 6 hits until you even got here. What are you happy about?" Lando commented again, earning a hard punch against his head.

"Ey!" He complained as Carlos walked towards the hole, grabbing my ball to toss it towards me. "Shut up Lando," he had a grin on his lips as he walked back to the McLaren driver. "Make me," Lando raised his head a bit higher, smirking.

"Charles!! They're doing it again!" I groaned towards the brunette, as I saw him taking his last hit, finally hitting. "What are they doing again? Flirting or fighting?" He walked over, grabbing his ball on the way.

"Your ball is so close to the edge, you could literally blow it," Lando chuckled as Carlos finally went for his last turn. "I'll show you something you can blow," he growled. "Okay, they're flirting," Charles laughed softly as he took one arm around my waist. He proudly watched Carlos hit the hole and raising the arms onto the air.

"Hole in three! How does that taste?" He laughed as he got his ball. "Quiet sure that still doesn't exist but okay," I heard Charles next to me, giving up on the both of them. His hand left my waist and I only looked back shortly as he walked towards the small golfcart.

"Tastes like I'm still better," Lando giggled, pulling Carlos towards me. "Where's my taxi?" Carlos called out for Charles as he pulled up in front of me. "I'm not your taxi, I'll make you run after us if you ever call me that again," he glared at him, proud grin on his lips as we sat down with him, the both boys behind.

"Aye! Aye! Sir!" Carlos laughed, laying on the bench in the back, head on Landos lap as he tried to keep his balance. "Where are we heading afterwards?" Charles questioned towards me as he stared to drive back to the entrance. "What about we get food?"

"Hm, how about we get ice?" Lando talked into our conversation. "I'd loveeee ice," Carlos spoke needy, leaning more into Landos lap. I leaned backwards, watching Lando fighting Carlos back into a sitting position. "Okay, ice cream it is!" I announced as we reached the entrance.

Lando and Carlos jumped up, the spanish boy taking the british one onto his back. Lando pointed happily into the air. "Towards the car my horse!" He demanded and I heard some kind of a horse noise from Carlos before he started running towards the parking lots.

I got out as well, laughing at the both of them and waiting for Charles to give the keys towards someone that worked here. He simply made sure to catch up to me. I felt exhausted already by the energy the both boys and even Charles had around me. After playing golf from 10am to 2pm I just wanted to lay down and have a rest. Knowing I wouldn't be the one driving now didn't make it any better.

"You're slow, what are you? Snails?" Carlos spoke loudly as we finally reached the red ferrari. The older male was sitting in the drivers seat, door opened until we got to our seats. I was luckily allowed to open the door myself this time, not even hearing any kind of protest.

"Let's go gentlemen...and lady!" Carlos added, shooting a look to all of us before closing his door and starting his car. As smooth as I've seen it before he took one hand to get out of the parking lot, only adding the other as we needed to go back on the big streets.

Charles hand was lying in the middle seat on mine, softly stroking it. The soft touch made me feel tired and I could feel myself drifting away already. "Are you alright?" Charles spoke as he leaned it. "Mhm, just a bit tired," I muttered under a quiet breath.

"Here," the driver unbuckled his seatbelt, moving to the middle seat before buckling the other seatbelt in again. He tapped his lap, asking me to put my head down. I barely touched him as his hands already reached for my hair, definitely promising me to wake up to a mess on my head.

I felt a breath touching my ear as the music in front turned a bit up, Carlos and Lando softly singing a few songs. "Take a rest, I'll wake you up and keep my eyes on you until then."
"Kinda creepy," I spoke sleepy but still able to chuckle a bit. "Shut up, I'm not a stalker. I just love you and care for you."

His green eyes were focused on my grayish ones as I went to nudge his nose a bit. "I love you too weirdo," I turned a bit, putting my hand next to my head as my back was turned towards his chest. His breath was steady and calm, making it hard to keep my eyes opened.

As they fell shut I heard Charles shush quietly, causing the boys in front to turn the music a bit down. It was comfortable and warm, I could've stayed like that forever.

Closer as you get - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now