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The day felt horrible long and so did the other filming days. Paola spend the rest two days with her daughter, making sure to mention that she drove my car at least twice a day. Of course Alessandra complained about it later to me.

The movie was finally finished, at least my scenes were. Paul was planning on doing some more with the pirates on sea on Tuesday but I didn't really care. I was just happy that I had finally some time to take a break before the interviews started. That I spend this time in Las Vegas with a hand full of rich guys should make me feel bad but I was actually enjoying the thought.

I imagined the flight to Vegas way more chill but in the end it was rather uncomfortable. First class tickets weren't enough to make the flight through a light storm feel safe. I never had something against flights but when it came to any kind of turbulence I liked to imagine what horrible could possibly happen next. Just so I could curse myself afterwards for doing so.

Now back on the ground I went to check into my hotel. Carlos gave me his personal favourite, it was the one he was staying in as well which made it easier for us to make him pick me up later. Alessandra was planning on just joining me in my room later since it was quiet big.

After I took a shower and changed into something more normal, meaning jeans and a plain shirt a knock sounded through the room. I took a hairtie and started making a ponytail while opening the door. Carlos meeting me with a smile from the other side.

"Am I disturbing something? I can come back later if you want," He spoke as he watched me drop my hands after finishing my hair. "No worries, I'm ready. I'll just let them dry outside or something," I spoke as I grabbed my black purse, shutting the door behind me.

"Okay, cool. My room is the one two doors to your right if you need anything. Charles asked me to wait downstairs for him. He would come with us if that's alright with you," he started talking as we got into the elevator. "Yeah sure, why would that be a problem?" Carlos seemed a bit weird about that question, shrugging as he looked away.

"The last time you two were together it was kinda weird. I mean- you- no I- fuck you're not weird but-," he started struggling letting a laugh escape my lips. "Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with saying so. Charles and I met the day before the race already, we were drunk and I don't think either of us expect to see the other the next day again," I explained calmly as the elevator doors opened.

"Wait, drunk? So you two-," I immediately cut his thoughts of. "No! Jesus Carlos we didn't. Let's say he just kind of got me drunk," the taller just nodded trying to not make it more awkward as it already was. Quick steps made us entry the lobby, Carlos sitting down on a small couch.

"Charles will probably take a bit," I raised a brow at him as I set down. "He's trying to be on time but he'll be late anyway. He's probably rushing through his room right now. I said we would meet here in eh- hold on," he pulled out his watch. "...right now," he spoke plain, not too impressed that Charles wasn't here yet like he just explained.

I heard someone apologizing in the back of the hall where we just came from. Carlos seemed to have noticed as well because his head turned into the direction, lips curling upwards as someone stopped his little run in front of us, still fixing his hair.

"I'm on time!" He beamed, showing us the time on his phone. His eyes met first Carlos, then me, then again Carlos. "You didn't tell me she's here," it sounded negative when he said it. I couldn't tell if he meant it or not. I thought we got along quiet well since we saw eachother the last time.

"With all due respect Lord Perceval but we're having a bet, do you really think I won't make sure you don't take it for a run?" A light grin formed on my lips. I've been spending the past two races on my couch learning about the sport and the fandom.

Closer as you get - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now