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I woke up by my ringing phone, Charles was still in the place he was in hours before. He murmured a complaint but then reached backwards to get the phone and hand it to me. I smiled a quick thanks before taking the phone.

"Oh my god V, finally! I've been calling for the sixth time now," I heard Alessandra complain on the other side of the phone. "Why are you calling?" I muttered, feeling one of Charles hands leaving my waist as he pushes himself a bit upwards.

"I'm on my way to the hotel. I'll be there in 10, Pierre was so friendly and picked me up since you didn't take that fucking call," A chuckle sounded in the background at her words, probably Pierre. I could hear that she way annoyed but I knew she would get over it. "I'm sorry, I was...busy," I muttered.

"Busy sleeping or what? That's a really terrible excuse V," her voice only got more angry as she spoke, leaving me no chance but try to explain. "Well yes but I was comfortable, you've overslept some stuff because of that before as well," I referred to the day I needed to wake her up myself, walking to her apartment at 7 in the morning.

"Comfortable?" I heard a whisper behind me. "Shut up, you've no right to speak!" I hissed at Charles, pushing his chest which caused him to fall back into his original position next to me. "Ouch Black! That almost felt personal," he didn't bother to keep quiet anymore and I let out a annoyed groan as I heard Alessandra gasp.

"Why is Charles with you? Did you do something you will regret? Or did you do something you don't regret? How long did he last?" She spoke excited. "Oh my god! I didn't sleep with Charles and besides you don't ask stuff like that," I watched a grin form on Charles face. "Technically you did sleep with me," I put a finger under his nose to hold him accountable. "We both know I didn't mean it like that, just shut your mouth. You're making everything worse than it is," Charles zipped his mouth close with his hand, smiling softly but amused at my words.

"Okay, so you didn't fuck. I get it but why is he at yours? Do you want me to take a own hotel room? Or are you staying in his?" I let out a loud annoyed breath, making sure everyone heard it. "We were watching a movie and fell asleep, that's it and no, I'm not staying at his."

"Why not? I would like to have you all for myself," Charles grinned, breaking his promise to shut up. "You said you wouldn't speak," I growled but he didn't seem too impressed. "Okay lovebirds, I'm out. See you in a few V and tell Charles to keep his hands to himself," just as she said so he let his hands meet the skin under my pullover.

"You heard what she said?" I asked as I ended the call. "Mhm" he mumbled, his head pressed against the back of my neck. "Don't care about it," he lifted his head, hands moving over my skin. It felt good, I couldn't doubt it.

"You're a cuddle person, especially in the mornings, I get it," I laughed, pulling away from him which earned a disappointed groan from the older. "Is that a bad thing?" He questioned but I shook my head. "No, I like cuddle people but only if I don't have a time pressure of 10 minutes," I spoke as I quickly got up and walked towards the bathroom to do my make-up.

"You don't need that, you're pretty without!" Charles screamed after me but I only shook my head. "Good that I'm not doing it for you then!" I screamed back at him through the rooms. You should always do your make-up for yourself, no metter if it's because of fun or because you think it looks prettier. I learned this quiet quick through my relationships. People always said I look pretty without but I just felt uncomfortable without it so I went with doing it for myself.

Ready I took a quick look into the mirror. I wasn't planning on changing my outfit until Alessandra decided to leave this room for FP3 so I walked back to Charles, who still hasn't moved more then sitting up. "You should get up as well," he looked up from his phone, looking at me.

Closer as you get - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now