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"You broke his record! Like it was nothing!" Charles chuckled softly, placing his helmet somewhere save in the garage. "Yes I did, only because of your work of course," he smiled at me."No, that was all your work. I was just helping you out of whatever that mental crisis was about," I put my hand on his shoulder as he stood in front of me, his eyes rolling at my words and his lips curled into a grin.

"Maybe now it's the right time to tell you that I'm simply a god," he leaned forward, our noses brushing, lips close. "I am going to throw up," Carlos threw his gloves next to Charles helmet, smacking them quiet loudly. His words making both of us put a few inch of air between us.

"Please don't, I don't think Alex is willing to clean that up," I grinned at him, earning a glare. "So did you figure out where french boys mood came from?" The spanish man leaned before his gloves against the shelf. I shrugged, looking over to my left to catch Charles reaction.

"I'm not french," the taller male spoke reproachfully, glaring at Carlos who clearly chuckled at that. "Whatever you identify as it shall be then. So I guess you didn't tell her what you told me earlier?" Carlos smiled at me teasingly to which I just looked at him in confusion.

"Well, no," Charles muttered quietly, seeming to hide his words. "I could tell her," the other drivers expression changed fast, he rushed forwards, grabbing Carlos arms. "Carlos, no. I'll never forgive you if you do," Carlos simply leaned to the side, catching my eyes, smirk on his lips.

"Charles estaba celoso de Daniel y era terrible al ponerte una excusa para que vinieras otra vez" [Charles was jealous of Daniel and was terrible at making an excuse for you to come over again] Charles let go of Carlos arms roughly, hands running through his hair. "Hey!" I complained, walking over to stop his movements.

"There's nothing wrong with being jealous baby but tell me when you are," I slowly fixed his hair again. "I wasn't jealous!" He exclaimed. Carlos pushed away from the box, stopping right behind me. "Oh you so were mate," he huffed amused, watching Charles cheeks turn pink.

"Just shut up Carlos, you aren't making anything better. Actually, you caused this mess!" He started a light discussion with his teammate. "To be fair you deserved that for pushing me on P4," listening to both of them felt like watching children fight. It was senseless and stupid.

"Okay boys, time for both of you to shut up. Charles, you promised me to give me a ride back to the hotel and Carlos, I'm sure Lando wants your attention," I pointed at each of the drivers as I spoke. At Landos name Carlos attention seemed to double and he immediately backed a bit more off, trying to look over to the McLaren garage, failing.

"Yeah okay, let me change real quick and I'll be here in a second-..," Charles went towards his wandrobe, stopping and turning on his heel. "Or you want to join m-," I cut him off immediately. "No way I'm doing that here, just make it quick," I rolled my eyes annoyed at his joke, knowing he was already on his way again.

"His jokes are terrible," Carlos spoke from my right side, making me turn towards him. "He's...I would say in love but I think it's not on me to say so," I smiled softly, not wanting to put words into Charles mouth. Carlos raised a brow at my words, shortly looking to his left where he probably caught the McLaren driver from afar.

"Spoken just between us V...," his voice got a bit quieter. "I've seen him with his girlfriends before. He never was with them the way he is with you. You two are litterally this type of 'Would you still love me if I was a worm?' couple and the other would reply with yes. He never did these jokes he does with you, he may have seemed quiet serious but still all lovely but it's nothing compared to you. When he's with you he's like a teenager in puberty all over again. If that isn't love, I wouldn't know either honestly," his words made my smile grow, hearing it from him who definitely knew Charles longer made it feel so much better.

"Thank you Carlos," I spoke, he seemed to look at me in a mix of proudness and confusion. "For what? Telling you the truth?" He winked at me, his winks definitely better than Charles, as he turned away. "I'll catch Lando, don't let him fuck you too much," he quickly stepped away, leaving me with a darker growing pink on my face.

I looked after him, hearing him screaming Landos name playfully, even earning the exact response from the McLaren driver. The orange dressed male took a short run, causing the red dressed one to do the same. Jumping in each others arms caused them to fall into a giggle just to suddenly let the expression fall and keep the smile on the lips. Carlos offered Lando one of their favourite handshakes - one probably no one else will ever be able to understand if none of them explains it.

"Mhm, staring at the other drivers. Do I need to get moody again?" I heard a smooth voice, sound feeling like honey dripping down from it, close to me. "Please don't, you're hella exhausting when you're mad," I felt a hand grabbing my chin, turning my head to catch Charles behind me. His free hand grabbed my waist on the left side, right thumb pushing my face a bit closer to his.

"The last time you called me exhausting was in bed," he smirked, breath hitting my lips. "Must've had a good reason," I teased as I let our noses brush. Charles huffed before my lips. "Yeah because you were so exhausted yourself from screaming my name all night," my lips met his, soft and careful. He seemed to put all the love he had into this kiss, reminding me why I was so much into kissing him.

After every touch with him I never had any moment where I didn't feel the relief of stress vanishing. A easy touch made me forget my last interview i was sitting in and the way the hours of flying in a plain were killing my back. But a kiss...oh a kiss stopped the world's spinning, it made me give him full control over my feelings. I never wanted them to end, making it hard when I was away from him.

And then when he pulled back like he did right now, so slow and carefully that it almost hurt, it felt like pain of reality was hitting me again. My eyes always shot open, loosing themselves within a green ocean every single time. I always thought my favourite eyes were my own until I met him. I didn't need to love him to know it, the first moment we met and his eyes caught mine in a loud party room it was perfect. Almost too perfect to now forget about him and the way he looked down at me that day.

I pulled away completely, only grabbing his hand. "Can I drive?" I smiled up to him as we took slow steps back, not wanting the moment to end. "The hell you'll do. I'm never a co-driver, no metter which car. Not even for you," he growled amused at my words. "So when you drive bus? What do you do? Kick the driver out?" I chuckled, thinking he would roll his eyes at that but he didn't. "I ricchi non prendono l'autobus, tesoro," [Rich people don't ride buses honey] his Italian was good, it was sad that he didn't speak it more often.

He used it once to wake me up and when I tell you I got jumpscared by it, I was definitely beeing too nice with explaining. "Whatever, just get me to the car idiot. I'll get you to let me drive one day and if it needs to be in my own car, I don't care," Charles laughed softly after my comment. "We'll see, let's just stick to the ferrari for now."

Closer as you get - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now