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"You forgot your watch," Lucia pointed out as she handed it over to me. "Thanks," I smiled happily, taking it from her. She got here early this morning, just telling me over a short message as I was still asleep. I wasn't able to pick her up this morning, neither was Charles or anyone else so she just got here her own way.

She had told me that the woman Charles was putting his cards on had reached out to her over a simple mail. She agreed to meet her at the track for the first time and help her out with some stuff since she never worked for a famous person before.

"You've never been to a race track before, right? Are you nervous?" I smiled at her as we followed the way towards the paddock. "I don't know, a bit maybe. I haven't met your boyfriend properly yet either, I'm honestly more concerned about him than anything else," I felt a light smile appear on my lips as I heard her say it, knowing she was going to love Charles - not as much as I do though.

"Ohhh Violet, wanna introduce me to your pretty friend?" I heard Daniel singing as he caught up to us on my left. "The only thing you'll get introduced to is my fist," Lucia hissed, making me giggle. "Lucia, that's Daniel. Daniel, that's Lucia," I looked from my left to my right.

"Daniel..so? The guy you told me was a close friend? And you truly chose that pervert?" Daniel gasped dramatic, reaching for his heart. "Pervert?! I've been accused to be a lot, like pretty, and cute and pretty cute but a pervert?" I saw a grin flash over his face as he dropped his hand again, sharing one of his famous smiles.

I heard Lucia stiff a laugh, I never really heard her laugh a lot so this made me look at her wide eyed. "I'm praying for your boyfriend to be at least half as funny as this boy and we'll go quiet fine," Daniel leaned in on my ear after he heard her speak. "Did she just say I've a chance with her?" He caused me to laugh again and shake my head. "I don't think so but just between the both of us, she's single," I spoke, leaning in on him as well as he did on me.

Grinning Daniel leaned a bit back, shortly eyeing my assistant. Suddenly stopping abruptly as we went to enter the garage. "Sorry ladies, I'm not allowed in there. Frederic said if he sees me in there again he's going to let me pay 1k for each step I take," we turned around, raising a brow at him. "That's bullshit, just get inside," I muttered.

"Don't you dare move a step Daniel!" I heard a warning behind me, being able to easily tell who it was and that it was meant in a joking way. "Technically I'm not in the garage, so you've no right to talk to me like that Mr. Boyfriend," Daniel glared at Charles playfully even keeping the stare as I felt a hand reach for mine.

I heard Charles fall into a laugh behind me. "Get in here mate, he won't let you pay a thing, can't be too bad what you were doing in here last time," I saw Daniel fix his hair nervously. "Well...not quiet. I went to get Carlos into the water fight after the race but instead of him I hit Frederic with the water. Don't think he was too amused by it," he mumbled, making all of us hide a laugh.

"The punishment speaks for itself," Lucia shrugged, making Charles attention catch her. "Oh you must be Lucia, I've heard a lot of you," he offered her his free hand, which she took immediately with a soft smile. "Indeed I'm here for Juliette Moreau," at the name of the new assistant my attention picked up a bit more. She sounded french to me, which only made sense with Charles now that I thought about it.

"Oh yeah she's right over-," Charles wanted to point out but the woman just went to step into the garage, brown hair falling from her shoulders with each step she was talking. Her sharp eyebrows made her almost seeming black eyes shine like pearls. Her black heels were quiet high and she was wearing a colour fitting dress. It was something Lucia wouldn't even think of wearing, not even the smile Juliette had on her face.

"...there," Charles ended his sentence a bit quieter as Lucia stepped forward. "Mister Leclerc, Sir Hamilton mentioned you to join him and the others for dinner after the race. To quote him, 'he can bring blondie'" s nodded towards me with a smile, before concentrating on the other former dressed woman in front of her.

"I hate when she talks like that," Charles murmured, making me look up to his facial expression. "I needed months to get Lucia to stop it, that's what comes with getting trained assistants," I nudged him softly in his side as I saw the both women talk.

"She even knows about Lewis title, that's so creepy," he giggled into my ear which caused me to smile. I kept it as he pulled me closer with our connected hands. He let the other hand grab me in a hug, making me immediately nuzzle my face into his neck.

"I missed you," he breathed carefully so no one else would notice, not even Daniel who needed to 'aw' at us. "I saw you this morning," I pointed out but Charles shook his head. "I still missed you," I chuckled as I pulled my head back, catching his green orbs. "What are you gonna do when I leave tomorrow?"

Charles thought for a moment. "Die or  just chain you to a bed," he joked. "Hm, careful. I might be into that," his eyes widened, making me and Daniel laugh who was barely behind us. He couldn't hear us properly since we were whispering but I could tell that he was focused on Charles facial expressions. "You're so silly," he let go of me, taking my face instead to kiss me softly.

The kiss wasn't able to last long as something behind us shattered and everyone turned around. "Mierda! Why am I always walking in on you guys kissing?!" Carlos cursed, jumping away to look at the damage he had caused. Lucia seemed to catch her voice after staring in confusion. "What was that?" she referred to the colourful glass on the ground.

"New invention, our helmets out of glass. I think I'll put 3 stars as the feedback, it shatters too quickly and it's hard to write on but it's pretty," the spanish man stepped out of the glas and for a second I thought he was going to clean it up until I saw Alexis run around the corner, broom in his hands.

"I knew this was going to happen! Jesus Christ Carlos, I warned you!" Carlos simply shrugged at his words, watching the engineer clean up his mess. "Guys," I started to announce as I remembered the situation we were in. "That's Carlos and Alex, boys that's Lucia," Alex looked up, meeting the blonde woman. "Hi Lucia! Hi David- danielle? No Daniel, oh my god I'm sorry," He struggled whilst Carlos simply waved.

"At this point I'm kind of not sure if my name is Daniel, David, Darren, I don't really know anything anymore – like Zoolander, where he looks into the puddle, 'Who am I?' Is it the puddle?' Yeah. Anyway," Daniel laughed, taking Alex easy.

"What about dipshit? Sounds right to me," I caught Lucia hiding a smirk, even as Daniel glared at her, then pulling out his middle finger. "Can you see that?" He spoke loudly. I heard Charles chuckle into my ear. "They're made for eachother," he whispered softly which now made me laugh again. "With Lucia? Never. Before that happens we're married."

"Oh?" Charles grinned at me, causing me to roll my eyes. "Shut up and take me on a date instead," Charles pinched my cheek lovingly. "I'm taking you out tonight, don't forget that," he leaned forward to place a kiss on my forehead. "I wouldn't dare," I smiled.

"Yeah I'm leaving, anyone wanna join?" Carlos laughed at us as he listened. "Please," Daniel begged dramatically, raising his hand. "Sounds good, I'll see you guys after I kicked your asses on track!"

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