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As the rain managed to almost stop 15 minutes before 5 the drivers got out on the track again. Charles didn't have much time to climp on the podium now but he tried his best and managed to end up in 3rd, Carlos on 5th.

Daniel had a very bad race through the conditions but didn't let it get to him. He send me a text as Charles had his little champagne celebration to get to the Alpha Tauri garage and I quickly did so, apologising myself to Charles over text.

Daniels head popped up from the side of the garage as I walked in, his face curling in disgust. "Okay I get why you want to wear your boyfriends hoodie but not that cap V! Not in here, nuh-uh," he walked over, grabbing the cap and throwing it over his shoulder before placing his own on my head instead. "Better," he spoke happily as I glared at him.

"Charles will kill you," Daniel only shrugged. "He can try killing me in my own garage but if you wear that cap here someone else is going to kill you. Probably even Yuki and you don't want to have that mini demon after you," he chuckled softly.

"Ay who threw that shit here?" Yuki walked out of the same path Daniel had stood in, picking up the red Ferrari cap. "Daniels fault," I spoke, lifting my arms in the air. "I was just fixing things," Daniel explained himself. "Better put this in the trash next time," Yuki passed me the cap a bit roughly.

"Nooo guys, Charles gave it to me," I whined dramatically with a big smile on my lips but not able to top Daniels. "You mean the guy that did a one handed donut after getting 3rd? Embarrassing if you ask me, I once did one without hands," Daniel scoffed amused, hiding a laugh behind it as he smiled.

"I didn't see it so I don't believe it," I sticked my tongue out towards him. "Good cause I'll throw your cap away anyway," he spoke sassy, showing me his tongue as well. Yuki in the end just rolled his eyes with a soft huff, walking past Daniels car towards another entry that went deeper into the garage. "You're so childish," he muttered as he opened a hidden door between the white colours to disappear behind it.

"I wonder where his mood comes from," I spoke with wonder as I saw Yuki disappear. "He got no one sticking a tongue down his throat, maybe he's just a bit lonely," Daniel grin made me wonder if he even thought about his joke before doing it.

"Danny, you don't either," his face dropped shortly before he let out a short breath. The time he needed for speaking made me come up with a stupid idea. "Maybe you and Yuki should help eachother out on that," I could see Daniel shift shortly before staring into my soul. "I. Would. Rather. Die." I couldn't hold back as I started laughing at his reaction. His eyes suddenly went wide before he feel into a laugh as well.

We got interrupted by my phone and Daniel shooting a quiet obvious glare on it as I looked at my messages. "Is it loverboy?" He asked as he caught the not really visible in red dressed man on the profile picture. I shook my head softly. "It's Carlos, seems like they got back into their garage."

Smooth operatorrr

Smooth operatorrr

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Closer as you get - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now