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I spend the first 15 minutes at the track with searching for Alessandra. As I went to Carlos he just shrugged at my question, telling me she disappeared the second they reached the garage. I tried to call her, obviously not being successful.

It wasn't even as hard to find her as I expected but I got pulled into a conversation by a Sky Interviewer. He informed me that they weren't filming yet and introduced himself as Ted Kravitz. He seemed like a cool person so I let myself get pulled into the conversation.

"Would you like to do the interviews with the 3 winner drivers after qualifying?" He questioned. "I uhm- that's really friendly but I think I'm not quiet the right person for that. Shouldn't a professional be doing that?" I chuckled nervously. I really was terrible at stuff like this but he seemed to be quiet sure what he wanted.

"We sometimes let the famous visitors do the interviews if we get the chance to ask them. You don't need to worry about how professional you seem doing so. It's just the basic questions, you need to ask how they felt about the racing and if something happened about that as well. No one changed something at their cars so you don't need to worry about that. The important interviews are gonna be held by myself," he had this smile on his face which wouldn't make me allow to say no. I let out a sign. "Okay, I'll do it."

A smile spread across his lips at my words. "Do you know where the drivers normally stop after the qualifying?" I nodded at his question. "We meet there, it would be awesome if you could be on time and run there the second the time is up."

"I think I can do that," I smiled gentely, knowing already I wouldn't even be trying to run. "Okay, awesome! That would be it actually, I'll let you go your way," he stepped out of my way. "Hey Ted? Did you see a brunette woman around that height, dressed in blue?" The shorter male looked at me for a moment as I lifted my hand to show Alessandras height.

"You mean Alessandra Barone? I've seen her at AlphaTauri, she was filming a video with the boys," I told him a quick thanks before walking towards the AlphaTauri garage. I was guessing Alessandra randomly joined the two filming even though no one expected it.

"Yuki that's cheating!" I heard the woman's voice sound from the left side of the garage which was hidden from me. I peaked around the corner, spotting a film team just a few meters before Yuki, Daniel and Alessandra. Yuki was between Daniels legs, trying to crawl through them but failing as Daniel closed his legs, holding him in his place.

"I'm using my advantage," Yuki explained, complaining to Daniel. "Not anymore, stand up short guy," the taller had a big smile on his face, watching Yuki getting back up. "Hah!" I heard my best friend scream happily as she grabs something from Daniel's back. She raised her arm proudly, a fox tail in her hand.

"I won! You're owing me something now!" Her eyes met mine and her lips curled even more upwards. "Ow man, I would've wanted that kiss," Daniel grinned at her. I pulled out my phone, making a picture as he looked down at her, it was adorable to watch how much fun they were having.

"I'm sorry that you lost that game Danny but I'm just better. I am having a good day though, I'll give you your reward anyway," Daniel leaned a bit down for the small woman to reach his face better. Her lips met his cheeks and I zoomed in to snap another picture.

"Hey V, send them to me later, yeah?" Alessandra screamed over the camera team towards me, causing the young man with the camera to turn around. The camera was now pointed at me and I smiled simply to not seem mean even though I thought it was quiet annoying. "Sure!" I stepped past the team, walking over to the trio.

Daniel put an arm around me and Alessandra, Alessandra also pulling Yuki into the hug. "I think that's it then and sorry for crashing the video," she laughed softly, Daniel squeezed the arm around her a bit thigher. "No worries, was more fun anyway."

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