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At first I barely understood what was going on but luckily we had Kika with us. She was pointing to different screens, mostly taking Pierre as an example which shouldn't be as cute as she made it seem.

From what she explained Pierre was currently on P7 which wasn't as bad considering who he's driving against. Max Verstappen and Charles were currently fighting over P1 which was all over the screens on our right. They were driving the last 9 laps which made it so interesting, at least that's what everyone said I was still kind of trying to get what was happening.

"It's easier to watch on TV, you and Alessandra should try it next weekend. They explain some stuff in the beginning so you get the basics," she looked over to me as I gave her a thumb up.

My gaze was focused on Pierres car perspective as my attention got stolen by some of the mechanics pointing to one of the right screens which was showing Carlos holding barely back behind the two males fighting in front of him.

He didn't seem to make any attempt to join the fight. "Shouldn't he help Charles or something? They're a team right?" I looked over to Kika questioning. "Well, yeah they are a team but in the end each driver is driving for themselves to get their own points. Carlos can either decide to go at it as well, block off Norris for Charles or just try to get his points save. In that case he seemed to have sattled on option two."

In the beginning she seemed to be right but going into the final lap Carlos got closer to the two fighters, Max currently barely before Charles. They would be pressured to drive close next to eachother in the next corner if Carlos went to the outside.

"What is he doing?" I heard Alessandra mumble next to me as the three went into the last corner. Carlos went into the inside, cutting off Charles which caused him to make a larger drive around the corner, forcing Max slightly from the track towards the border but not enough to break either track limits or the car. Carlos reached the long towards the finish line first, going into lead as he speed up.

My head shot towards the crowds outside as I heard the screams. "He just made the best overtake this season. Charles is so going to kill him for that move tho," Kika put her headphones down as she watched Pierre finish P6. The Alpine team seemed quiet happy with his result as they started hugging eachother.

"Come V," Alessandra grabbed my hand pulling me with her. "They're going directly towards the podium and will have a quick interview."
From far I could already see the cameras focus on Charles and Max, neither of them looking happy. As Carlos finished his interview he walked over, Max totally mad as he talked.

Charles patted his back and walked over to the sky Interviewer, his voice hearable over the place. "Charles, how are you feeling with what happened back there?" He tried to catch his breath before speaking. "Well, it was unexpected but if I was Carlos I would've done the same. Max and I just talked about it and he sees it the same. Of course it's kinda depressing for us and the situation was really dangerous for Max. But in the end nothing serious happened and the team can enjoy the 1-2 win." "Thank you Charles," he smiled, giving the microphone to one of the people behind the camera and walked back to Carlos.

"Max, you were almost pushed out of the track in the last corner, how does that make you feel?" Max face came up on the screens. "Like Charles just said nothing happened. Of course I'm kinda mad about the danger that Carlos got us into but I mostly give myself the fault for even giving him the opportunity to get on the inside. In the end I let Charles open that bit up for him and I'll make sure that never happens again." "Before that you had contact with Charles in lap 16 which caused an early pit stop for you but you got back to the lead quickly, how did you manage to do that?" A laugh fell from Max lips at that compliment.

Closer as you get - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now