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"On time, as always," I spoke as I picked up the phone the second the clock hit 11am his time. I finished my workout around 9, only waiting for Charles to finally call me. I missed the soft laughes he gave me even though we were calling every day and I saw him just 4 days ago.

"Of course, it's the only thing you asked for and I'm willing to fullfil it," he smiled into the camera, placing the phone somewhere in the garage. "I really don't know how you manage to call me an hour before practice," I muttered, grabbing an apple from the kitchen counter.

"Hm," he murmured. "Trust me honey, I don't know either," he chuckled softly leaning on the box he placed his phone on. "Hey, are you watching the practice later?" He asked, fully focused on me. "What are you thinking?" I grinned into the camera, getting the same grin back.

"You'll definitely watch it," I took a bite from my apple, nodding. "Maybe, maybe not. You tell me future guy," I jokingly referred to the fact that he was an hour ahead of me. "Future guy?" He raised a brow. "Yep! Tell me...what's happening in an hour?" Charles chuckled at a thought he got. "Definitely not Lando winning," now he caused me to chuckle with him.

"Disappointing, update me in an hour again and we'll see, I'll put my thumbs up for Lando," Charles gasped dramatically. "Why not me?" I huffed, still smiling as I took another bite from my apple. I hid my mouth behind my hand while I spoke. "I am but only for P2," Charles rolled his eyes as he picked up the phone again.

"You're annoying," he said while walking into a room. "I think she's the one suffering from you," I heard Carlos in the background speak up. He probably got used to our calls my now. "Ey!" Charles complained and I saw a head pop up for a few seconds behind him. "Hey, V!" Carlos waved happily into the camera before disappearing again. "Hola Carlos!"

"By the way," Charles said after looking towards Carlos and turning his attention back to me. "Did I mention that I actually started looking for someone like Lucia, you know...a assistant? I think I got someone, she seems very good with her work. I may consider working with her," the mention of it being a female made me furrow but I'm not that bad of a girlfriend to immediately consider the worst.

"Sounds cool, if you want I'll make sure that the both of them meet," I spoke happily, knowing Lucia would be happy to talk to someone of her own kind and hopefully with her knowledge. "I would love you for doing that," I made a noise, questioning his words. "Well, I always love you but I'll love you even more then," he smiled and I nodded accepting.

"You can send me her E-mail when you're sure about her," I smiled softly, throwing the rest of the apple into the bin. "I will, no worries," he spoke as I took the staircase upstairs to my bedroom. "Where are you going?" He added to his sentence as he saw me moving rooms.

"Bedroom, I'll need to unpack my luggage and than pack it again," I heard him chuckle and I glared into the camera. "You still didn't unpack it? And I was already wondering why I didn't receive any message," I lifted a brow. "I'm not informing you when I unpack my luggage," he stopped me from saying more, a glimpse of happiness in his eyes, shining bright. "But you just did!"

I lifted my big suitcase from a corner of the room onto my bed, opening it. I was greeded with organised clothes, knowing I didn't leave it like that. "Did you organise my suitcase?" The day I went to his room I only threw all of my stuff in it, not bothering to organise anything. The only one able to change so was him.

"Well yeah, I did but that's not what I mean," I pulled most of the clothes out of the suitcase, throwing them onto a chair which I hopefully eventually get to put into the washing machine - the clothes, not the chair of course.

Charles had his face quiet close to the cam, looking at my face very carefully. "You look creepy stop!" I pointed him out. "Sorry! Sorry!" He laughed softly, backing a bit up but still looking. I pulled out the trousers I was wearing on Sunday, deciding to put them away. I grabbed the next piece, stopping as I hold the fabric between my fingers.

I looked towards Charles, he was trying to hide a smile and I looked back at the red between my hands. "You gave me your ferrari hoodie?" I was happy but definitely showing pure confusion as the brunette nodded proudly. "I want you to wear it on the flight here tomorrow," he leaned on his hand, watching me take the hoodie towards my nose. I got hit by the comfortable smell of my partner.

"It smells like you," I smile to myself as I heard a warm chuckle. "Of course it does, I've been wearing it for two days," I grinned at him, not turning away form the camera as I pulled my shirt over my head. "Oh fuck V!" He cursed, pulling his phone towards him. "You can't just do this, I'm in the garage!" He hissed, even though I could feel him staring as I pulled the hoodie over my head.

As I focused back on him he was still looking. "Why can't I? Scared to drive the car with a boner?" I joked, grinning teasing. I could've sword to hear him mutter a yes but as I looked at him he only seemed to catch his breath. "Well, I would survive it but I wouldn't want my whole team to know how my girlfriend looks naked. You're lucky that I'm most likely alone," he pointed out Carlos, turning his camera so that I could see the spanish man who was taking out a headphone from his left ear as he saw the camera getting shown towards him.

"Hola Carlos, ¿te gustaría verme desnuda?" [Hey Carlos, would you like to see me naked?] I winked at him, knowing that Charles wouldn't see it. "Oh I would love to see you naked Violet," he spoke as his natural face turned into a playful one.

Charles quickly turned the camera back. "Using spanish against me is unfair-," he warned. "And you're never going to see her naked!" I heard Carlos chuckle in the background, probably putting his headphone back in. "Calm down tiger, I'm all yours," I smiled softly, opening my wandrobe to pack my suitcase again.

"Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. I mean I get why you would cheat with Carlos but honestly that's no reason to do it," I couldn't tell if he was joking or not but I settled on the first option anyway. "I would never cheat on you idiot. You're way too pretty for that," he rolled his eyes at my compliment.
"I know I'm pretty, no need to be such a bootlicker."

I huffed at his words. "Okay but if you're allowed to make compliments, I am as well," I spoke. "I'm never making you compliments again," he muttered deeply. "That's really sad because I like them a lot," I faked disappointed, knowing I probably would be really disappointed if I didn't know that he was joking as much as I was.

"Maybe I'll consider keeping it going then. I like your reactions when you don't expect the compliments," he chuckled at me and I couldn't hold back to do the same. "That's very friendly of you sir," I spoke after a breath as we calmed down.

"Sure thing," he watched me put a shirt into the suitcase, seeming to wait for me to turn back towards the camera again. "You should put something nice to wear," he said, making me catch his eyes. "Oh yeah? What are you planning?" I smiled at him.

"Since we didn't get a proper date last time I might take you out this time. If you allow of course," my smile widened at his words, the gentleman behaviour only giving me a ticklish feeling. "Yeah, I allow it. Any wishes what to wear?" He hummed for a moment as he thought. "Something that doesn't only blow my mind but everyone around you too. I want them to feel like stoping and staring and when they do I'll kiss you in front of their eyes," his smile turned into a sassy smirk with every of his words.

"I think I can do that," I smiled, opening the other side of my wandrobe to find my dresses. "I should hang up on you, just in case if you try to find out what I'm going to wear," I playfully nod my head in his direction. "Fair, I need to get going in a few anyway. Carlos is probably just waiting for me again," he chuckled as I saw him looking past his phone, making me assume that Carlos was nodding at him.

"Okay then, bye. I love you," I waved at the camera. "See you soon love and text me later," he waved back quickly. "Anything for you," I spoke softly, still waving at him. "Bye V! Love you t-," Carlos voice got cut off as Charles stopped the call. I didn't want to know what he was going to do to Carlos after that.

Closer as you get - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now