
625 14 3

• sexual content

"No! Oh my god you're speaking it so wrong!" Charles laughed, trying to calm himself down again before trying to speak again. "Tu es jolie.., just say it."

"Urgh! What even means that? I can't pronounce it anyways," I put my hands into my hair in annoyance, signing deeply as I fall back into the soft cushion of the red chair. Charles has been trying to teach me french words for a while now, dealing that he'd buy wine for the both of us for tonight. He asked me to come over at 10, not letting me say no. As I told Alessandra she of course wasn't able to hold back a comment but letting me go in the end.

"I'm not telling you what it means until you said it," he let his head fall onto the pillow his arms were placed on, lying on his stomach. "Oh yeah then how am I supposed to know you don't let me say some stupid stuff?"

"You aren't, it's a pretty sentence actually...quiet literally," he smiled innocently. I let out another breath as I get up, walking in front of the bed. I quickly gave in as I saw these pretty puppy eyes staring up to me. "Tu es jolie."

A smile spread across his lips and he grinned. "Stop grinning like that and tell me what it means! God damnit," Charles pushed himself up into a sitting position. "It says that you're terribly ugly," he had this playful grin on his lips that I could easily place by now. He was lying.

"You just wanted to hear me say that you're pretty, didn't you?" Maybe it was drunk me speaking or maybe I just really meant it. "Maybe I did, you'll never know," he seemed to know his game. One of the buttons of his shirt was opened and he went to close it as he kept his eyes on me. "Your turn."

"Mhm," I thought for a moment, I didn't want to go too easy on him. "Te ves caliente así" [you look hot like that] I try to keep a straight face as I speak, watching him trying to find the right translation by himself.

"Te ves caliente así," he repeated almost perfectly. He leaned back to reach for his glass of wine on the white bedside table, drinking a sip as he waited for me to finally translate it. "And? What does it mean?" He asks, starring at me.

"I don't think you wanna know," Charles stood up, walking up to me. "Well, yes I do." I let a light smile appear on my lips. "And what if I just don't tell you?" The brunette reached for the phone in his pockets, opening google.

For a moment he was just typing then he was glaring at his phone, looking up quickly before grinning. He grabbed both of my hands, walking closer. Every step he took forced me to take one backwards. "Is that true? You think I'm hot?" I felt my back hit the wall but I only nodded, scared of what he would say.

"That's quiet a compliment of such a pretty lady," he placed a hand on my chin, pushing my head a bit more towards his. "You think I'm pretty?" I let his nose brush mine and I smile softly as I hear him talk. "It's obvious, isn't it?" One of his hands took a hold on my hip, the other on my cheek.

"A bit," I smirked as I pulled away from his grip, walking a bit backwards. He was enjoying the play, following me until I stopped in the middle of the room. "You need to stop running away from me," he whispered, letting a hand gliding over my right arm and holding my hand as he stepped closer. "You're a F1 driver, you can catch up if you want."

"I don't know if I'm allowed to...," I shook my head at his words. This was stupid, he was stupid. I grabbed his face harshly, pulling his lips on mine. "Stupid ferrari boy," I muttered between two kisses, feeling his hands on my back and waist. "You like that nickname, don't you?" He spoke breathless, pushing me a few steps back until my feet hit the end of the bed.

"I could call you so much more if you'd let me," I gasped as his grip got stronger. "Oh I bet you could," his voice was low, sending shivers down my spine. He was kissing down my jaw line, towards my collar bone.

Closer as you get - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now