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My eyes grew wide as I watched Daniel catch the coin he just flipped into the air. He placed it quickly on his other hand, slowly lifting it but instead of revealing the coin, he revealed nothing. "What the fuck," I whispered surprised. The trick should be easy to understand but as he showed me both of his hands from either side I started to get confused.

"Why do you know how to do this?" Daniel shrugged quickly. "Talent," he grinned as a simple answer, reaching his hand towards my ear, pulling the coin out from behind. "Mate you're confusing me," I muttered stunned by his actions.

"Smile butterfly!" I heard a happy voice sound with a british accent, making me turn my head and do as told. I heared a camera snap and see the papaya driver smile at the little screen in front of him. "Beautiful!" He beamed happily.

It has been 2 hours since Lando decided to use butterfly as my new nickname. It was cute, so I didn't complain. He said he liked the light blue dress I was wearing and that it reminded him of the butterfly he saw minutes before.

Daniel and I sat down shortly after the third practice session, Lando joining as he saw us being by ourselves. "Here," Daniel grabbed my hand, opening my palm softly and placing the cold metal in my hand. "Keep it as something to remind you of today," I put the coin between my fingertips, turning the silver metal in my fingers. "Don't you need it? I'm sure it's worth something," Daniel huffed amused as if he wanted to tell me that he was earning more than me anyway - which he probably didn't.

"It's like nothing, you can keep it or make it up to me with a nice Christmas gift," he grinned, making me roll my eyes at his comment. "I'll take it as a early birthday gift then," I smirked lightly, watching his face fall shortly. "Oh fuck," he muttered and i chuckled at his sight. "I forgot, sorry..."

"Daniel, my birthday is next week you idiot. You would've noticed at some point," I watched his face light up again as he nodded. "Alright then, I'll find a perfect birthday gift for you-," he started to speak joyful as I heard a annoyed groan from afar.

"What's going on there carrot boy?" I questioned to Lando who shrugged even though he should be able to see from his position but instead decided to make his phone his first priority.
"Daniel!" A angry Yuki Tsunoda sounded from behind me and I quickly caught eyes with the shorter male.

"What's up?" Daniel changed his gaze from me towards him. "You're a-," he stopped shortly, glancing over to Max who appeared seconds after next to him. "Fucking Idiot," Max added politely. "How stupid does a person need to be to manage to fill the wrong bottle with Redbull?" Yuki growled, making me wonder how it was possible to put so much anger into such a short person.

Daniel opened his mouth, ready to speak but closing it quickly as Yuki kept going. "Our-," Yuki looked over to the dutch man who just stared at the ground, zoned out completely. He quickly hit his arm, making Max jump in surprise. "Oh eh-...fucking," he spoke quickly, correcting his mistake. "Bottles don't even look the-..."
"Same!!" Yuki finally finished.

I saw Daniel leaning in towards me, making me do the same. "Am I going mad or is Max cursing for Yuki?" Max raised a brow, obviously at the way too loud whisper of the Alpha Tauri driver. "Yes, Yuki cursed at Checo, who then banned him from cursing. I'm just helping out here," Max hold back a laugh.

"And you're seriously letting Checo decide that?" Lando asked, glaring over his phone towards Yuki. "Damn, you're fucking right," Yuki spoke, finally cursing again.
"Yuki, Jesus Christ stop running away whilst having conversations with me," the breathless Alphine driver stopped barely behind the two boys.

"Look who came to pick up his husband," I mumbled, looking at Pierre who straightened his position and fixed his hair from his run. "Not my fault, Daniel switched up our bottles! He's so stupid," he groaned, pointing out his teammate.

"I'll fix it right now if it makes you happy," Daniel suggested but got quickly stopped before doing any other moves. "Too late now," Daniel scoffed at the shortest. "So you just came here to make a scene?" A laugh escaped Max's mouth, making Yuki glare at him. "Just shut up Ricciardo and don't make that mistake again," the spoken-to nodded as a agreement.

Yuki turned to leave but this time let Max stay at his place. "You coming or not?" He looked at Pierre, the driver still breathless but not complaining before following.

"You think he got dropped as a child?" Daniel looked at me in amusement. "Bold of you to assume he was even held," Max caused us to laugh, except for Lando which settled on looking at us in confusion. "Ah yes," he muttered before turning back to his phone.

Our laughs slowly died as Lando ignored us. "Okay, I better get going as well. Checo kills me if I don't come back on time, see you around," Max waved before walking in the same direction as the both of his friends did before. Daniel waved after him, then standing up from the small step we were sitting on. In front of me, he reached out his hand, offering to pull me to my legs.

"Charles texted me to tell you that you should consider checking your phone," Lando spoke as Daniel pulled me up. "Huh? Why would he text you that? He could've just called me," I reached for my phone, checking it. Daniels head got close to mine, looking at the screen as well. "39 Messages and 7 missed calls, you're fucked V," he read, chuckling as he pulled back.

"I guess I am...what do I do? Call back?" Daniel smiled amused. "Are you scared he's mad at you?" I shook my head. "Not scared, I just have a really really huge amount of respect towards his reaction of ignoring him for an hour straight," Daniel slowly nodded, showing me that he didn't believe one word. Honestly, I wouldn't either.

"Hey Charles, yeah. I'm having your beautiful girlfriend here, yes. Yes, she just checked her phone. Do you want me to put you on speaker?" I glared over to Lando, who smiled innocently. 'You motherfucker' I mouthed as I realised that he had called Charles instead of me.

Lando walked over, phone now holded close to me. "Can she hear me?" Charles asked from the other side of the call. "Yeah she can," Daniel answered, putting an arm on my shoulder to get closer to the phone as well.

"Good. V, I don't know what your ignoring was about but if you wanna play hard to get, honey I'll play hard-to-get-rid-off," he spoke harsh, not letting me tell if it was a joke or not. "I gave you the car keys before going to practice and you still haven't brought them back. I told you I wanted to have them an hour ago because there's stuff in that car I might need. Where. Are. My. Fucking. Keys." Oh well, he was being serious.

"I've them, no worries. I'll immediately come over and bring them, okay?" I spoke, shaking my head at Daniel as he put his free hand in front of his mouth to hide a laugh. "Make it quick please." Charles hung up immediately.

"Seems like I'm not the only one messing everything up," I groaned at Daniel, walking backwards to let his hand drop from my shoulder. "Mimimi," I hissed as I walked away, turning my back on him. "Was nice to talk to you too!" He laughed behind me. What an idiot.

Closer as you get - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now