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FP1 was quiet boring, nothing unexpected happened and Alexis even said it was obvious that a few teams were holding back. We spend the time before FP2 to get us something to eat. I texted Carlos where I am at before leaving with Alexis to get coffee and some muffins.

We placed the food and drinks on each of the drivers next best table.  Alexis apologized himself before leaving to do his job, which I couldn't take him bad for. I sat down on the side of the garage, back leaned against the warm red wall whilst I finished the rest of my coffee.

Steps were approaching from behind after a few minutes, making me look up to meet Charles with his chocolate muffin. "You're at a weird spot," he spoke as he went to sit on the ground next to me. "I like it."

Charles accepted that fact before moving on. "Did you open your phone in the past hour?" My head tilted in his direction after taking a sip of my coffee. "No, did anything happen?" Charles seemed to feel uncomfortable at this question but he kept his smile.

"Well yea, they saw us taking the pictures on TV. You better post them as soon as you can to avoid any rumours," I pulled out my phone, going to Lucia's contact. "I'll send the pictures to Lucia, she'll post them immediately. I'll tell her."

"Who's Lucia? Your girlfriend?" He questioned, it didn't seem like a joke. He sounded rather serious but I couldn't take it that way and tried to hold back a laugh. "No, she's my assistant. I'm very much single since the day we met Leclerc," my sentence seemed to wake his interest.

"I saw in an article that you and your boyfriend broke up but that was in that night?" I thought it was amusing how he talked about that day. It was about a month ago now and he was still trying to not talk as much about it as possible.

"Well, I was on this dance floor because of it. Get drunk and kiss a random guy you know," Charles seemed to think for a moment if he should be offended or not. "So you used me as a distraction?" I nodded simply, trying to avoid to let anything slip through my mouth that wasn't supposed to.

"I'm sorry, back then I didn't know who you are and what kind of a personality you hav-," a laugh interrupted my speech. "V, you're fine. I'm not mad in any way, I seem to have done a good job."

"A very good one actually," I corrected him, happy that he was so cool about it. "I mean I kind of caused the situation so I'm not really in the position to be mad."

He seemed so pretty like this, so peaceful. Normally he was in a rush, always speaking quiet quick but right now he was calm. He was eating his muffin, midday sun lighting up his light skin. He seemed like nothing could disturb him right now.

"I kissed you though," for a short moment his eyes met mine before he focused back on the gravel in front of us. "I didn't pull back, did I?" I could see a tiny smile appear on his lips. I really wanted to know if he was having the pictures as good in his mind as I did right now.

"I don't know what was going on in your brain. Maybe you thought I'm a horrible kisser," I laughed to myself, seeing him finally turn completely towards me. He was quiet serious but his soft gaze was holding onto me so bad.

"Honestly if I told you what was going on in my mind you wouldn't believe me," he spoke as he finished his muffin. "Let's make a deal. Whatever you're going to tell me next, I'll believe you every word, okay?"

"But where's the deal for you in that?" I saw his head tilting again as he always did when he didn't understand anything or when he was just really curious. Sometimes he even used it against me to tease, it was adorable to watch. "I get to know what you were thinking of, of course."

Closer as you get - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now