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The ringing of my phone made my head snap upwards, making me regret the sudden movement immediately as the pain shot through my head. "Fuck," I grumbled as I took a look at the screen, Lucias name written over it.

Lucia may be a good assistant but her being up at seven every morning was going to kill me one day. "Hey," I spoke sleepy, still trying to sound as good as possible. "Were you sleeping?" I could feel her amusement through her voice. "Just tell me what you want already," a hand ran through my hair, trying to fix what was still fixable. After removing my makeup and changing last night I feel asleep quickly, which I was really thankful for now that I thought about how my morning could've been like instead.

"I fixed your Instagram, meaning I took the pictures down and gave a quick statement over the story. Nothing too important, just a quick we broke up and we're both alright with it," I let my head drop back into the pillow as she spoke. Right, the break up. I almost forgot about it...almost. "Thank you."

"No problem, you better get out of bed now and make sure to wake up. Getting drunk a night before doesn't apologize missing out on the hour of training every day," I let a groan slip between my teeth, making sure Lucia took notice of it before I let my legs slip through the side of the bed to make the rest of my body sit up.

"Good, keep me updated and tell me when you finished training, okay? And maybe drink a glass of water," she added the last sentence before hanging up, typical Lucia, focused on the job more than on anything else but in the end she had her heart at the right place.

I grabbed some aspirin and my water next to the white bedside table. The water tasted horrible I didn't bother to question how old it was in first place but now I'm reconsidering that choice.

I made sure to take my phone as I stood up and searched for Alessandras name in my contacts. She was most likely to be already awake by now. From what she had told me she had another interview coming up in a few hours. As an actress that just had a movie in the cinemas she was busy with interviewes every day. She was happy to have any possible break, I knew how it felt myself.

"Ciao Bella," her voice sounded barely after two rings passed and her face popped up. "How are you feeling?" She smiled gentely. "To be honest? Horrible, my head hurts and I just wanna take another nap." I walked into the kitchen, placing my phone on the counter so that she was able to see me perfectly. "Yeah, I got you. I'm feeling the same but after a few cups of coffee it'll go away eventually," I watched her walking through her apartment towards her closet.

The fact that I knew what she was doing was happening only one floor above me made it quiet interesting. Through the years of living above eachother we got used to call every morning. In the beginning Alessandra used to come down for breakfast and sometimes even dinner but now we just accepted the fact that we're both lazy.

Alessandra pulled out a dress, holding it in front of her. I watched her movements while getting myself the coffee she suggested. "What do you think?" She asked, turning a bit more towards a camera, dark blue dress in front of her. "Looks good, what do you need it for? The interview later?" She raised a brow at my question.
"Huh? No, I had that one at 6 already. It's for the race later."

"The race?" She never intended a race before. She was never even interested in F1 or F2 or whatever happens on these tracks, I barely know anything about it to be honest. "Yeah...," she paused shortly, not seeming very happy. "My cousin Kika is dating one of the drivers. She wants me to meet him, they seem to have something serious," she shrugged. "I'm not really motivated to watch a sport I don't really care about but fine, it's for her after all."

Alessandra and Kika got along very well. They used to see eachother as children a lot, they grew a bit apart after a while but until today their opinions where very important for eachother. My train of thoughts that build up while stirring my coffee was stopped by a grin forming on Alessandras lips.

"No." I spoke not really happy about what she thought of.

"Yes. I'll ask her if I can bring you," she smiled into the camera as she put the dark blue dress on her bed. "It'll be way more fun, plus she loves you." I rolled my eyes as a short answer. "Come on V, I'll even help you find a dress. I pick you up at 2pm so we can be there at 3pm. You've still 4 hours left to deal with your headache, do your training and take a shower."

A breath left my lips and I took a short sip from my coffee. "Fine but please don't help me with my dress, your taste is horrible sometimes," I heard a giggle from the other side of the phone. "Sure thing, I'll bring you lunch then instead."

"You're a sweetheart blessed by god to save my life," I spoke dramatically, putting a hand on my heart, watching her shake her head amused as she went to pick something from the ground. "You think I can wear these? Or do I need to impress her boyfriend?" She showed off some plain high heels. I hummed shortly as I grabbed some plain bread and egg from yesterday's dinner.

"I think you're good with the black ones, it fits your typical style for the interviews. I'm sure they'll show you on TV," I placed the egg on my bread. "You're right but the focus will be on you anyway. The only one needing to make sure to slay is you," she put the shoes next to her dress and sat down next to it.

"Yeah you're probably right. Sometimes the fame is killing," I took a bite of my bread, leaning on the kitchen counter, closer to the camera. "You played in fucking Twilight and Sherlock Holmes and-," I made sure to interrupt her. "Maybe but my roles weren't that important. Playing a criminal and a wolf isn't as hard," I put a hand before my mouth while talking so I could keep chewing afterwards.

"Come on V, you're hot, of course they fell in love with you. I liked you in that black dress and the big head as well, I almost turned gay for you amore and the people you worked with, bless you Violet but you've Robert Downey Jr.'s phone number," I could feel myself holding back a laugh. She liked talking about me like she hasn't had some big numbers herself. In the end she was the one going for a drink with Tom Hiddelston after a filming session.

"Whatever," I scuffed. "Just be here in 4 hours, okay?" She winked at my words. "It's just a staircase and a door, I'm not going to be late dear." Actually, she was most likely to be way too early. "Yeah okay," I waved at her before hanging up, making sure I get the time I needed for my workout and shower.

Closer as you get - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now