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• sexual content

I walked out of the bathroom, fixing Charles hoodie on my upper body. It was a bit too big but just perfect to wear for sleeping. I settled on not wearing any pants to it, knowing Charles would've joked about it anyway if I did.

Charles was standing in the middle of the room, brushing his teeth. I wasn't sure what it was with him and walking in circles while brushing his teeth but I didn't want to break his habit - maybe he was thinking about the next Einstein math theories. "So you are wearing it? I was worried I wouldn't get to see it ever again and you just keep it as a little souvenir," he spoke as he walked into the bathroom to spit out the toothpaste. I could barely understand him but that wasn't anything new to deal with.

"I'm not giving it back," I leaned against the end of the bed, watching as he walked back into the room and switched off the bathroom lights. "Oh I know," he chuckled deeply. "I wouldn't want you to give it back," he reached me, placing one hand on my waist and one on my lower leg, my body between his own legs.

A smile brightened on my lips and I looked down to catch his stomach instead of dealing with his eye contact. I started playing with his black shirt, not wanting to find out what he was looking like right now.
"You're adorable when you're shy, you know?" He didn't laugh so I couldn't tell his facial expression, his voice remained calm and steady, giving me no hint and forcing me to look up.

"I'm not shy," I spoke quiet confident. Charles hand moved up my leg at my words, making me inhale sharply and hide my face in his shoulder. "Not shy, hm?" He teased, definitely grinning from the tone in his voice. "Fuck you," I spoke into the soft of his shirt. "No dear, it's the other way around actually," the hand on my waist went up to grab my chin, forcing my gaze back on him.

"You're unfair," I muttered, my breath hitting his skin. His eyes were darting though mine, making me feel like he could read every of my problems and dreams. "You've said that quiet often, I start to consider it as true," he huffed amused and quiet sassy.

"Good because it is," I hiss at him playfully, grin appearing on my lips. "You're cute when you think you're stronger than me," he seemed quiet sure of what he said but who am I to let years of training slip away in a few words of a boy?

I grabbed his hands quickly, turning him and forcing them on his back. He gasped surprised as my action, trying to hold his balance at the sudden move. "You're never calling me weaker than you again," I gentely lead his way a few steps forward until his feet hit the bed. "But you are," his head leaned to the side, connecting our eyes again. His hands left my grip, finding my waist and throwing me on the bed. He took a short spin though the process, chuckling as I stared from the bed up at him in surprise.

"Compared to my training, yours is nothing," the bed went down, his knee hitting the soft cushion as he made its way over my body. My mouth slightly dropped at his action, his chain hanging close to my face - he barely took it off. His hands were placed on each side of my head, he seemed to wait for something from my side but I only stared up at him, too stunned to think. "Jesus Christ," I breathed, knowing damn well that he knew how hot he looked in his action.

I reached for his chain, gentely pulling him down to me. His lips met mine, my eyes closing at the touch. One day this man would be the death of me and I would be willing to take it with a smile on my lips. He grabbed my hair with so much passion that it felt like it could help me understand the difference between intermediates and wets. He let his hands glide over my body like he knew it by heart and the most important, even though he acted like he didn't care about me in those situations, he did.

"I like you beneath me," he smiled into another kiss, then pulling away to look at me. "I figured," I spoke softly, letting one of my hands glide through his hair. My other was placed on his stomach, rubbing circles into the skin beneath his shirt.

Even though the moment started off rather heated, Charles now seemed way too calm. "V...,I don't think I told-..." He whispered gentely but signed to end his sentence. "You don't know how much it means to me to be lying here with you. When I look at you, your beauty shines so brightly that it's impossible to ignore and you act like you know how much you're actually worth. I just want to be able to give you what you deserve. The way your soft touches send shivers down my spine is something I can't put into words and I cherish every moment we spend together," I felt his hand touch my cheek as I follow his words carefully.

I felt tears form in my eyes at his words, it was so beautiful to hear someone talk about you like that. "Wait, are you alright?" He checked as he noticed my tears. I pulled my hands away from him, instead wrapping them around his neck. I forced my lips on his, making him fall on my body but I didn't care about the extra weight.

"I don't know what I did to deserve you," I smiled close to his lips. "I feel the same, maybe that's why we found eachother," he smiled with me, slowly lifting himself from me again to get into a sitting position next to my own body. "Oh my god we're horrible," I laughed quietly as I realised what we were talking about.

I heard Charles falling into a soft chuckle with me. "Yeah, Carlos would kill us," I felt Charles hand grabbing mine and I turned my head to have a better view of him through his actions. "I'm counting the days until he does to be honest," the brunette shurgged amused. "He just needs a girlfriend himself..-" I stopped his words by talking myself. "Or Lando," Charles laugh was heavy for a quick moment, making me enjoy the view of his eyes curled up in joy. "Yeah or Lando, he's the only man allowed to touch Carlos like his girlfriend would."

"We should take them on a double date and then stand up and leave them," I turned my body, now lying on my stomach, my head between Charles legs. I felt his hand grabbing my head and pushing it down towards his crotch. I squeaked in surprise but quickly glared up at him. "I start to think the reason why you're wearing red all the time is because you're a fucking clown," I hiss at him, not meaning it as bad as it sounded.

"Don't be a fudge, I was just making fun," I rolled my eyes at his words, sitting up to avoid anything else. "Not funny," I spoke grumpy until hands wrapped around my waist, pulling me between the orders legs, my back at his chest. "Naww, I'm sorry baby," he changed his voice to something I would use to talk to a dog. "I'll make it up to you again," he smirked, kissing my neck softly but I reached to press his head away.

"You're stupid, I'm leaving," I spoke, trying to move away again but getting pulled back immediately. I made sure to let out a frustrated noise. "I'll let go of you and let you live in peace if you promise to cuddle me all night," he murmured into my ear, maybe sounding a bit sleepy as well. "Deal, spoon me or whatever but let me breathe," Charles grib got firm and he allowed me to lay down again. His legs were slightly twirled with mine as he followed my action. "I hope you'll be able to enjoy tomorrow, I would want to take you out after if that's alright," I nodded shortly, not sure if he saw it but I assumed he did as he stayed calm, only reaching over to shut off the lights.

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