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A knock at the door let me look up, I quickly fixed the rest of my make-up and rushed to the door.
Charles glared at me for a moment, he seemed to catch his breath as he looked at me up an down. "I- eh..I mean- you're-...wow. Pink suits you very well," I smiled happily at his words. "Thank you, you don't look too bad as well," I caught myself checking him out. He was wearing gray pants and a very much lighter shirt.

"Please V, I'm looking shit next to you," he laughed softly, making me smile with him. "Okay, ready to go?" I heard heels hitting the ground further up the hallway and I stepped forward to follow Charles gaze. "Go? You guys wanna leave? Can I join?" Alessandra was dressed up all nice in a yellow, gold and black themed outfit. It was way too fancy to be a casual outfit, making me question where she just came from.

"Where are you coming from?" She shrugged. "I was out with Alex before I need to leave tomorrow. So, can I join or no?" I thought for a moment. "We've a place in the car, I guess it's alright," I noticed that Charles was awfully quiet even though he nodded. "Cool! Let's go then," she grabbed my arm, closing the door.

"How was your date?" I spoke after a few seconds of uncomfortable silence. "We didn't call it a date but it was pretty amazing. We went to have dinner together and I invited him to come over to ours some time," she seemed so happy whilst talking about Alex, it touched my heart every time. I wonder if I sounded the same when I talked about Charles.

"Sounds amazing, let me know when you know more about that. I'll be a bit busy the next weeks but I'm sure I can make some time," Alessandra was glowing with joy as she listened to me. "Sure thing, what about you and your boyfriend?" She grinned proudly as she looked to Charles and than back at me. "We're doing amazing, things calmed down quickly," I spoke as we stepped from the warm hotel into the a bit colder night air.

"That's good to hear," for a moment Alessandra went quiet before looking at Charles. "Where's the car?" He still didn't speak, only pointing out a red Ferrari moments before it lightened up after Charles pressed the key. He quickly went to open the passenger door for me, letting Alessandra go in the back by herself.

As he finally sat down next to me he didn't seem in a too good mood, starting the car quietly.

He didn't try to type anything into the navigation, making me wonder how good he knew Vegas to not need any kind of help

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He didn't try to type anything into the navigation, making me wonder how good he knew Vegas to not need any kind of help. I knew he was here once before but there must be a reason why he knew where to go, right?

The ride only lasted five minutes. It may have been a silent ride but the second I let my head drop onto the window I didn't care about it anymore. It was calm and the only loud noises came from the outside. Las Vegas was close to what you call New York, the city that never sleeps.

Charles needed a moment to find a place to park but ended up at the side of a street. He didn't get to open my car door because Alessandra went to open mine excited, almost pulling me out of the car. "Look at that! It's so pretty!"

Closer as you get - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now