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"Here" Charles pointed at his steering wheel. "Five of these change the brake settings and these-," he leaned a bit closer to my ear, pointing at three switches. "Control the differential."

He stepped away from me as I looked at the steering wheel. "You drive with that every race?" He shook his head. "No, we've multiple. If some break, you know," he smiled. "Wanna give it back to me?"

I made a attempt of throwing the wheel which made him rush forward, holding my hands that gripped the steering wheel. "No! No! No! We don't do that, that's expensive and I'm the one who pays for it," a giggle left my mouth, actually giving it back to him this time.

"Thank you, I don't know if anyone ever told you that but you're a maniac," a hand ran through his hair, destroying it instead of fixing as always. "No need, you just told me," I stepped closer, fixing what he had just destroyed. It kind of became normal by now. The past two hours he had spend showing me different stuff and telling me how stupid I am but in the end he was actually kinda impressed by what I had learned. "Not too much of a F1 loser anymore" is what he called me. I didn't complain, it's some kind of a compliment in the end.

"Perfect," I stepped away from him. "You're pretty again!" I beamed proudly watching him raise a brow. "Again? Wasn't I pretty before?" I shrugged. "You messed up your hair, as always," I grabbed his bottle, taking a sip of his water.

"Funfact, I once accidentally pressed the drink button during driving back in 2022. Funny part about this? I was on radio," I looked up at him, almost choking on the water as I laugh. "Oh my god, don't die! That's always so much paperwork mate," I rolled my eyes as I watched him laugh quietly to himself.

"Fuck off, you made me laugh! I'm hoping for you that you would've saved my life if needed," for a moment he hesitated causing me to glare at him. "Leclerc...," I growled, seeing his smile widen just a bit more. "What's wrong Black?" He put pressure on my last name just like I did to his.

"Urgh, I'm quitting," I threw my arms shortly in the air to show him I wasn't happy about his behaviour. "I'll go to Carlos." A hand wrapped around my wrist. "Oh no, you're staying. You've been here for two hours, you can do another two. "You're going out for FP1 in a few minutes anyway."
"Exactly and Carlos does too, just stay here."

He had a soft smile on his lips, beating me to say yes in the end anyway. "I wouldn't have left," his lips turned into a grin. "I know, you love me too much," I bit my bottom lip, I hated it when he put words into my mouth but he told me to stop complaining since I did the same. "What are you thinking of?" His head tilted a bit in interest. "If I should actually start considering going over."

His arm shot in my direction, ready to hit me but I dodged it. "Hah!" I spoke, seeing him huff amused. "You only managed it because I let you." He was right. He was so much better than me in basically everything. I should consider letting him run in high heels, I think that's the only thing I could beat him in.

"You're playing unfair!" He put his arms in front of his chest. "I played so you won, what's unfair about that?" I stayed silent. He wasn't wrong,...again.

As he saw my facial expression he walked closer, pulling me towards him by my waist. "Oww, come on. Don't pull a face like that," I turned my head away, showing him I wasn't going to let go of this so quickly.

I felt his hands dig into my skin, making me squirm. I push him and his amused smile away from me. "Don't tickle me!" I warned, as I saw him stepping closer again, taking a step back myself.

Sadly he didn't take the warning, only grinning more as he started walking closer again. "That's not funny!" His steps got faster and he started running towards me, causing me to run away instead.

Closer as you get - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now