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It was wet. Yesterday not even a soul would've assumed this kind of weather would come up but now here we are 47 laps in and a red flag and a big storm caused all of us to sit through it.

Charles was still in his race suit, hair sweaty and wet but slowly drying. He sat down on a black plastic chair next to me with a sign, allowing me to put my head on his shoulder. He seemed frustrated and i thought asking him about it would only be a bad idea. Staying in the calm bubble we created was just perfect.

After around 23 minutes of rain floating the streets a brunette mechanic stood up, walking away just to return again with a few card games. The others didn't seem to be in a good mood but as he turned up their faces slightly lightened.

They were currently at a round of Uno, the team principal seeming to win as the taller man next to me moved a bit to turn his head towards mine. He gently put it on my own head, causing a smile from my side which dropped a bit as I heard him sign as disappointed as he did a few moments ago.

"Looks like our date isn't going to happen," he muttered still quiet disappointed, making my heart sink at his tone. "Sitting together and watching the rain could be a date too you know?" I could hear Charles amusement as he answered. "Even with all the people here?"

"If it gets better I would count this into a core memory," I smiled, wishing he could at least assume it. "What would make it better?" He slowly lifted his head again, waiting for me to do the same but I didn't. At least not before I finished my sentence. "Dancing in the rain maybe or you playing the piano but I don't think either is a good idea," Charles reached for my chin, pointing my gaze at him himself.

"Why not? Scared to get sick Black? I swear I will be careful with you and if you get sick I quickly make you all healthy again," Charles got up, taking my hand to pull me upwards. "Lets make this a still beautiful day darling."

Charles pulled me out in the rain, the other employees not even noticing. My outfit started to get soaked with rain quickly, making it almost scary but feeling Charles put my hands on his shoulders and his own around my waist made me forget everything else that should be a bother right now.

He started moving our bodies slowly, going quicker with every step. It was easy to follow, almost too easy. "I've always wanted to dance in the rain," the brunette admitted happily, spinning me under his arm and smiling brightly at the chuckle he got in response.

By this point the both of us were soaking wet from head to foot, my clothes clinging to my skin, even his race suit seeming to slowly give in and his hair was dripping down on his nose but he didn't notice any of it. Not even the slight chill that the wind carried over our bodies or the water beginning to run into his shoes through the deep puddles. All of his attention was given to the woman in front of him - the woman he loved truly - and the tender dance we were creating together.

"We're gonna catch a cold," I chuckled to which Charles slowed down our movements again until we almost stood still. "Yeah, we should get inside...," he muttered a bit disappointed but pulling me towards the inside. Meeting the dry I decided to get close to him, giving him a short kiss as a sign of how much I appreciated his action.

"As much as I would like to get more of these, I think I said I'd make you all healthy again. What about I give you some of my stuff so you don't get sick in first place?" I went to answer that it was alright but immediately got his own Ferrari cap placed on my head. He went a bit further behind towards his helmet, beneath the red shelf was a black bag, already opened and he quickly grabbed a black hoodie, throwing it at me.

"If you wanna like undress we can go to my-," I quickly cut him off by pulling the hoodie over my oversized blue shirt. He stared at me for a moment before smiling lovingly. "Good," he chuckled, already drying again, just his hair staying a mess.
As he got closer again I reached for them, trying to fix them as much as I could. He bowed his head a bit, giving me better access.

"You're so pretty when you're concentrated," he smiled through his eyes. "You can say that-," I got cut off by the mechanics 'aww's in the back. Charles and I looked up at them, seeing their gazes fixed on the screen inside the garage that was showing the tv perspective. Charles leaned a bit forward, catching the picture on the screen before rolling his eyes.

"They haven't notice us the whole time but when it's seeable on a screen they do," Charles caused me to laugh at his expression. "They're like little kids with their iPads," I grinned at him. "Yeah, unlike you they make sure to check their messages regularly."

My eyes turned into a glare. "If you want anything, call me. I always pick up," Charles walked back towards the chairs, now sitting behind the uno playing mechanics again. "Yeah sure, check your phone right now, I bet you've at least 6 missed messages," I went to stand next to him, pulling out my phone as he speaks so.

"Jokes on you, it's only two from Daniel and they got send 15 minutes ago," I opened mine and Daniels chat, getting greeted by a selfie from him and his own screens in the Alpha Tauri garage. I turned my phone towards Charles. "Did he seriously take a selfie with himself kissing one of his mechanics just because tv decided it's cool to show us kissing in the background?" Green eyes met mine again.

Whilst Charles seemed to be very confused by Daniel's action I was quiet amused watching this. 'Next one is yours' he put as a message beneath, referring to Charles. 'Careful, I might get jealous' I quickly typed, putting my phone away again.

"I told you I'd win!" Frederic cheered from the red group a few meters away. "I'm waiting for the day you're beating me!" He jumped up, getting quiet as Alex walked over from Carlos side of the garage. I couldn't hear what he was saying until the team principal got up with a nod.

"Hey Alex! What's up?" Alex turned as he went to leave again but he stepped towards us as he heard my voice. "They consider stopping the race if it doesn't get better till 5pm," he said, Charles furrowing at his words. "They can't do that!" He spoke angry, wanting to continue the race. Alex shrugged. "I'm sorry but that's not on me to decide," with that, he stepped away.

Closer as you get - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now