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Sexual content

Hands laid over my eyes as I stepped out of the airport. I assumed he has been waiting next to the door the whole time. "Charles?" A laugh made its way into my ears, not as soft as usual, rather loud and giving you the urge to laugh with it. "Try again sweetie," the voice spoke between laughes that turned slowly into giggles.

I squeeled and dropped my luggage to the ground. I turned in his grip, revealing Daniels face to me. My arms wrapped around his neck and my legs followed as I jumped into his arms. "Daniel!!" I screamed happily and the older fell back to his pretty laugh. "V!" He now screamed as well, not caring about the weird looks we got.

"Gosh you can't believe how much I missed your stupid smile," I pressed myself closer into his grip. "You didn't even text me!" I complained, knowing he was too busy to do so. "That's why I insisted on picking you up," he smiled proudly, slowly putting me down on the ground. "And because Charles is in a interview right now but who cares?...May I?" He opened his arms again and I nodded, letting him pull me into a warm hug all over again.

"You can't believe how much I missed doing that," he spoke against my hair causing a even bigger smile on my lips as he let go of me again. "Feels good to not be the only one," he smiled at my words, taking my luggage from the ground.

For a moment his eyes went over my body. "You're slaying this outfit babe," he grinned at me, walking towards a long row of cars. "But I feel like Charles would've preferred you in red." I shrugged at his comment.

"He asked me to wear his hoodie actually but he also told me to have a outfit ready where his eyes fall out so I just took a few with me

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"He asked me to wear his hoodie actually but he also told me to have a outfit ready where his eyes fall out so I just took a few with me. You think I nailed it?" Daniel didn't wait to reply. "Definitely! He'll look at you and fall in love all over again," he placed my luggage on the ground as he stopped in front of a car, causing me to laugh.
"A pink car? I wouldn't have assumed you to be a pink guy."

"Haha," he muttered, putting my luggage into the back. "They didn't have any better in that small time I needed it but if madam thinks it's not my colour she should drive," he hold out the key to me but I shook my head. "No way that I'm driving that, I need to make a picture for Yuki," I giggled, opening the car door and getting in as Daniel did the same on the drivers side.

"Smile!" I beamed happily and he did as told. Not smiling as big as usual but a smile is a smile.

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Closer as you get - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now