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"No I wasn't crying!" Carlos tried to defend as he told me about how he watched the Twilight movie for me last night during the flight.
"Yeah sure, you were probably already crying at the fucking trailers," I rolled my eyes at him.

Unfortunately for mine and Charles amusement it didn't rain but Charles got to drive two laps at the end of the last 7 minutes of practice. He seemed to be quiet happy about that as he came into the garage later. He got himself something new to drink before heading towards the interviewers.

Carlos didn't take long for his which is why he sat down with me on the floor in the garage in front of his car to have a chat. So far we were having fun until I spottet Charles leaning against the doorway. "Carlos cried at Twilight?" He raised a brow. I basically saw Carlos worrying about Charles telling this to the internet.

"No I did not!" I let a hand glide through my hair, fixing it. "Yes you did!" I laughed at him as he shot me a angry glare. "Cállate, eres un mentiroso y un maldito traidor!" [Shut up, you're a liar and a fucking traitor]

"Yeah, totally understood that," Charles spoke ironically, pushing away from the doorway. "Tu también te callas" [you shut up as well] Carlos glared at him and only by the tone in his voice Charles could tell it was rather a threat than anything else.

He lifted his arms in defeat, making sure Carlos wasn't going to kill him or anything else he could imagine. "Tranquilo el no va a hacer nada," [Don't worry, he's not going to do anything] I smile at Charles but i only get a confused look. "Oh sorry, I said you don't need to worry. He won't hurt you," I kept the smile.

"I'm not so sure about that, I mean look at him!" The driver pointed out his teammate in fear. "Are you scared of spanish people Leclerc?" I raise a brow playfully. "Yes but I do make one or two exceptions for certain people," I watched his eyes go up and down my body before he winked.

I shook my head as I finally went to stand up, feeling his hand wrap around my wrist to pull me towards him. He leaned close to my ear as my back pressed against his chest. "I actually do like your spanish a lot," his warm breath hit my ear, making my head turn.

"I would use it more often but I know you don't understand," he only smiled, pressing my wrist slightly as if he was trying to get something out of me. "Eres hermosa así, tus ojos todos en mí y solo en mí" [You're beautiful like that, your eyes all on me and only me] he was still focused on me just like I told him. He didn't do anything spacial but keep his face.

I heard Carlos giggle from behind me and I turn my head to shoot him a glare. "Don't you dare!" I warn him as I see his teasing smile. "She said you're beautiful," he looked at Charles confident and then back at me.

Charles starred at me a bit more than before now. "Anche tu sei bellissima" [you're beautiful too] he spoke softly. I couldn't handle anything else but stare back at him. He was so perfect in many ways and I couldn't deny we had something. I may not know what but I'm ready to find out.

His nose touched mine as he nuzzled his head against mine. He was kind of like a horse that put its head right into your face but just like a horse he seemed adorable doing so. His hair brushed my face, tickling my skin and I gentely put my hands into his hair before pushing his face away.

"Whyyy," he muttered annoyed by my action, seemingly enjoying the closeness. "Besides Carlos watching, your tickling me," I smile, a light teasing on my lips.

"Fuck, you're right," Charles pushed away from me, taking a few long steps back. I wasn't sure why he decided to start caring about Carlos now but I wasn't complaining. Carlos on the other hand was now standing next to me, looking up and down Charles body. "Lord Perceval, you're taking my fan away," he spoke, eyebrow raised.

"She's my fan, plus I know her longer than you. Just because you had her number first doesn't mean anything," Charles scoffed. "We're closer, fuck off," Carlos seemed to run out of words but he wasn't too wrong with his action, Charles was right in the end.

"Oww, come on partner, crying whilst watching Twilight for her doesn't make you guys close," Charles chin tilted upwards. He seemed to do this all the time when he tried to physically underline his words. "You probably cried to worse movies than this. I'll make you watch Titanic and then we can have this conversation again!" Carlos grinned successfully, winning the fight as Charles just waved him off.

For a moment it was silent and I watched Charles check his messages as he looked up to meet my eyes. Carlos seemed to check his messages as well because Charles head gestured towards the beaming sun on the outside of the garage, telling me to follow him as he stepped away.

"Carlos, don't wait for us. We'll pick up my car, okay?" The spanish man only looked up shortly to hum and then turn back to his phone. Charles arm wrapped around my shoulders as he passed me, pulling him with me.

"Do you like Carlos car?" I look at him shortly. It wasn't ugly, actually really pretty but not my kind of car. "It was really sweet how Carlos liked the car he was driving for this weekend but I'm a McLaren girl," I felt him glare at me in shock, wasn't sure if fake or real.

"You dare to say these words in front of a Ferrari driver?" He suddenly blurred out. "I drive a McLaren at home, of course I do," he breathed in madly. "Okay, I give you two options. Either you quickly shut up about being for the enemy or you buy yourself a Ferrari right now."
"I'm taking the first one, I'm happy with my car," he pulled me towards the parking lots Carlos car was parked in as well. I spotted the red Ferrari but instead of walking towards is Charles took a right turn, past a few cars. I recognised the dark blue Mercedes I had seen in the Instagram story of George.

"Hm, good decision. I never wanna hear the word "support" in a different reference then Ferrari or me in one sentence from you," just behind the Mercedes stood a red Ferrari SF90 and Charles pulled out the keys. "Why are you two driving different cars?" Charles shrugged. "They normally give us two or three options and we choose which one we like most."

"Of course they do," I rolled my eyes. Charles only send me a amused smile as he went to open the door for me. "Well, I'm important, what can I say?" He closed the door, walking around the car to take a seat next to me. He was awfully slow with starting the car  but I didn't question it until he turned to me.

"Hey, when we are back at the hotel. Would you be down for watching a movie with me?" My eyes met his and I saw the soft smile back on his lips. "Only if it's one without me in it and only if you don't tell Carlos or else we watch Titanic," I saw him giggle shortly as he shook his head. "No, neither of these. I just wanna have a pretty evening," he finally made it out if the parking lot, driving past a few fans. I made sure to take a few pics in the car, Charles looking most likely horrible on the most of them. I'll upload them later on my second Instagram account where I post myself and rather random. Lucia only has a short eye on it once in a while.

"You're worse than the fans," Charles marked as he took the turn around a corner. "I'm not worse, I'm way more fun and I'm taking pictures of myself, not you," I could feel Charles annoyance but also hear his amusement as he breathed out heavily. "Well in that case you're a egoistic fan."

I turned my phone so that I could take a picture with him, he put a light smile on his lips as he kept looking at the road. "Call me egoistic again," I dared. "Maybe not so much egoistic," he smiled respectfully, slowing down the car as we got closer to the hotel.

Closer as you get - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now