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Wednesday July 15th

I havent been home since the school year ended, Hermione went home for a week just to explain everything. I havent been home because my parents house in Australia is not my home, my home is in England. When Hermione returned to the burruw she told me that our parents were going to stay in Australia, and she wanted to find an apartment in England with Ron and Harry. 

I might stay home one more year untill I finish Hogwats, but then Ginny and I are going to explore the world, and then find an apartment togther, so I dont know how long I will stay home. 

But right now Hermione and I are home with our parents untill we go back to school, Hermione decided to go back to Hogwarts and finish her seventh year, so now we will be in the same year, and I might get to share a dorm with her again. 


Ginny has stayed in Australia with us since my birthday, said she couldnt handle the sadness at home, and both Hermione and I understood, we offered Ron to stay as well, but he wanted to go home and be with his family and he took with Harry back to England. Ginny and I went outside every night to snuggle in the garden while watching the sunset, I enjoy this time with her, but my parents have send me strange looks every time we come inside, I still havent told them that Ginny and I are a couple, even though we've been togteher oficially since January 15th 1996 so a little over two and a half years. And my parents still dont know, mostly because Hermione have always been their favorite so there havent been much space for me, but I know that even though my parents first priority was Hermione, I was Hermione's second priority, becuase school was her first priority of course. But I'm nnot mad at my parents, not at all, I was home a few times over the school year, but when I was home I was treated how Hermione was treated before and I didnt like it at all, I like to sit in my room and draw while listening to music, but I couldnt, my parents kept interrupting me and asking me some stupids questions. I just had enough and didnt really return to after term was over. But now with Hermione back, everything is back to "normal" I can sit in my room and draw again, and the only one bothering me is Hermione as she gets annoyed when my pencils are too loud, but if she wanted she could just sit in the living room and read, she doesnt have to sit in the room. But even if I anoy Hermione she loves me and she loves my work. So that makes up for it. 


Astra has still been acting strange, but I havent seen anything to either Orion or Ashton so I think we are safe, but I made my dad build a shelf for Astra after she insisted on that her cage were not the place to be, so now she spends all her time sleeping on the shelf and at night when Hermione and I are sleeping we hear scraping on the walls and when we turn on the light, we see Astra hopping from one shelf to another, just out of boredom, but I can't let her out, not without Hermione or I observe her, because we don't know if Ashton is out there, at least he was in Hermione's year, and is not coming back next term, so only if we run into him again, we are in trouble. It's mostly his owl I'm concerned about, owls mate for life, which means that we are stuck with Orion unless we get rid of him. And we will only do that if Ashton bothers us again or threatens us. 


Puplished: 03-07-23

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