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Wednesday February 17th

The past month Ginny and I haven't been spending much time together, after the last Quidditch match, captain Oliver Wood have called to practice every day, for several hours, because Gryffindor lost to Hufflepuff, I've been hanging out with Hermione a little, but mostly just been by myself, I've got time to draw some more, but I have also run out of ideas for what to paint, I'm starting to get bored. Nora came up to me yesterday, and she looked really happy, her brother has stopped ignoring her and they spend time together now, but she is also making friends of her own, she is still with Quinn a lot. But yesterday Nora asked me to go for a walk with her, and I said yes, because I had nothing better to do. She said that she wanted to show me something, she led me to the bathing jetty, and there on the bathing jetty, on a blanket were Ginny sitting. Ginny had planned a date and asked Nora to lead me to her, so romantic, I sat down beside Ginny, and she had made the most beautiful picnic basket, with sandwiches and fruit.

The moon bathed the night sky in a soft, ethereal glow, casting a cascade of silver light upon the tranquil lake. Lying side by side on the blanket. Our bodies nestled close, the warmth of our love radiating between us.

Gazing up at the star-studded canvas above, our fingers intertwined, Ginny's hand rested delicately against my cheek. Her touch ignited a familiar flutter within me, a sweet anticipation that had become a constant companion in our journey as a couple. Our eyes met, and the depth of our connection was mirrored in the depths of her fiery gaze.

In this moment of tranquil intimacy, my heart swelled with overwhelming tenderness. I couldn't resist the pull any longer, and with a gentle motion, I leaned in, capturing Ginny's lips in a gentle, lingering kiss. Our breaths synchronized as we revelled in the taste and texture of each other's lips, a shared dance of passion and devotion.

With every passing second, the world around us melted away, leaving only the steady rhythm of our intertwined breaths. We revelled in the soft caress of skin against skin, the weight of our bodies creating a cocoon of safety and love. Our souls entwined, bound by a love that transcended the physical realm.

As the kiss deepened, our bodies responded instinctively, shifting closer until there was no space left to separate us. The softness of the blanket beneath us served as a gentle reminder of the comfort we found in each other's presence. Fingers traced invisible patterns along the curves of our bodies, heightening the sensations that pulsed through us.

In the stillness of that moment, our hearts beat as one, a steady rhythm that echoed the depth of our connection. We revelled in the intimacy of the night, the gentle symphony of nature providing the backdrop to our shared passion. Time seemed to stand still as we lost ourselves in the beauty of the present, cherishing the love we had found in each other's arms.

As our lips finally parted, a breathless silence enveloped us. Our foreheads touched, and I felt a renewed sense of gratitude for the love we shared. The moon's soft light bathed us in its gentle embrace, casting a soft glow upon our intertwined bodies. In that moment, on the tranquil jetty, I knew that our love was a tapestry woven with threads of trust, vulnerability, and an unwavering commitment.

With a whispered sigh, I shared my deepest emotions, my voice filled with love, "Ginny, you are my world."

She met my gaze, her eyes shimmering with tears of joy. "And you, Harlow, are the love of my life."

With a shared smile that spoke volumes, we lay there, basking in the afterglow of our passion, our bodies and souls forever connected on that hallowed jetty.

We got up almost in sync and packed the basket and blanket together, Ginny took my hand, and we walked back to the castle. Our ways parted when we both had to walk in each our room, I gave Ginny a kiss on the forehead and softly said: "I love you, Ginny."
Ginny responded with a bright smile, she removed a hair from my face and kissed me. She slowly pulled away and said under her breath: "I love you too, Harlow."

Both smiling we went into our room, I feel onto the bed smiling, Hermione sat up and asked: "Still flying on a pink cloud I see?"

"Is it that obvious." I said still smiling.

Hermione: "Yes, you come in with the biggest smile every time you have been with Ginny."
"I really love her."

Hermione: "I'm so happy for you too."

I went to sleep thinking about how awesome my girlfriend is. 


Puplished: 08-06-23
Changed: 10-06-23

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