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Monday September 1st

Hermione, Ron, and Harry have taken off to destroy the horcruxes, and its mine and Ginny's first day as sixth years, I pretend that my memory has been wiped too just to get past questions about Hermione that I don't want to answer. So, my answers to every student that ask where Hermione is I either say: "Who is Hermione?" and when they say: "Your sister." I just say: "I don't have a sister. By then all students has given up and let me be. Only Ginny and the rest of the Weasleys know the truth, and of course, Luna and Neville as they are my best friends. They became an official couple over the summer, so Ginny and I are super happy for them.

I saw Quinn and Nora in the library just a minute ago and it looked like they were holding hands, but I won't start any rumours. Nora has grown so much over the summer, she isn't just taller, her personality has grown so much too, and Quinn has too of course, they both went from shy little girls with no friends to being themselves with a few friends around them.

As for Hermione, I worry about her every day. It's wired going up to the seventh years dorm room with Sophie and Crystal. Professor McGonagall did ask me if I wanted to move in with Ginny, Lavender and Hazel as Lilly has fallen very ill over the summer and didn't return today. I might accept his offer, as I don't really speak with Sophie and Crystal hasn't arrived yet, or maybe she has already hidden somewhere, I never know with her. Professor McGonagall said that I have a week to decide whether I stay with the seventh years or move in with my year the sixth years. I'll have to decide before Sunday.

Professor McGonagall is the new head mistress as Dumbledore died at the 30th of June, I loved Dumbledore, but McGonagall is just my kind of teacher.

Of course, this year we have some new Gryffindors, but I don't really pay attention, just after the feast McGonagall comes down to the Gryffindor table and pull me aside to say: "You will have to pay attention miss Granger, you are on your own this year and you will have to succeed as I would love if you made head girl next year."

"I'm sorry professor, I will concentrate from now on."

McGonagall: "That is great, just give the first years a tour and then show them their dorm-room, you know the drill."

"Yes, I do Professor."

McGonagall: "I don't expect you to disappoint me."

"Of course, not professor."

I do the tour and this one mousy haired boy named Leo held my hand up the stairs as he was scared just as Nora was her first time on the moving stairs. I held his hand and made sure he was safe. I wanted to do the same to him as I did with Nora, but I don't really have the headspace for it today. My mind is filled with Hermione right now. Not as she is controlling my head again, not at all. I'm just worried that she might be hurt.

Everything is changing lately, except my relationship with Ginny, I love her so much. We were in my room making out, then cuddling, I fell asleep in her arms and the last I felt was the cold after she left, and I heard the door shut behind her. 


Puplished: 30-06-23

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