Meeting again

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Monday October 12th

This morning as I was walking down the corridor to breakfast, Hermione had went early and Ginny wanted to wait, I heard wired sounds, it sounded like Fred's voice, but that's not possible, he died several months ago, he would have turned up as a ghost already.

As I sat down at breakfast, swirling around in my porridge, not feeling hungry anymore, a voice caught me of guard: "Not hungy, huh Harlow?"

"Shut up Fred." I look up: "Fred?"

Happy and confused all at the same time, Fred was floating above the Gryffindor table, as a ghost, just laughing.

"Where have you been?"

Fred: "Here and there, wanted to see some things before becoming the Gryffindor ghost for real."

"Your the Gryffindor ghost?"

Fred: "Along with Nearly Headless Nick of course."

"You just disappeared after your death."

Fred: "Yeah, sorry bout that, I needed to get most of my life, but I've been watching over you and Ginny here for about two weeks now."

"Does Ginny know?"

Fred: "Not yet, I hoped you could help me surprise her."

"Yes of course, she's been very down latey, going to her classes but not really paying attention."

Fred: "Yeah I've noticed, but she's become a professional Quidditch player, so she doesnt need the grades."

"Yeah of course she will, but I hate seeing her this way."

Fred: "So I'll need you to get Ginny to the astronomy tower after your classes, how many do you have today?"

"We have herbology, care for magical creatures and transfigurations, then I have to meet with McGonagall, and at that time Ginny has Quidditch practise, and Wood wants to train until dinner."

Fred: "How big is the gab between transfigurations and Quidditch?"

"Twenty minutes I think without thinking about Ginny having to change."

Fred: "Then go directly from transfigurations to the astronomy tower."

"Okay, I'll do that."

Fred: "She will be so surprised."

"She really will, see you around Fred."

Fred: "See you around Harlow."


Herbology and Care for magical creatures just flew by, but when we reached transfigurations it couldnt go slower, Ginny and I was sitting beside each other per usual, when McGonagall had turned her back to us I slipped Ginny a note saying: "Meet me after class, I want to show you something!"

Ginny read it and send it back saying: "But I dont have time."

"It will be quick I promise and you will like it." I send a note back.

"Fine" Ginny mouths as she has read my last note.

McGonagall made us make a bird to a class vase and then make it vanish and reappear as a bird. And then we would be free to go.

Hermione and I finnished at the same time, Ginny just after, we packed our stuff together, and I said to Ginny: "I'll be right there, just have to say something to McGonagall."

Ginny nodded and I went up to professor McGonagall and said: "Professor, I'll need to meet with you a bit later, I have to show Ginny something first."

McGonagall: "Of course miss Granger, just meet me in my office after class is dismissed."

"Thank you professor."

I hurried back to Ginny and as I saw she was standing at the bottom of the stairs to the astronomy tower I went to her and she said schoked: "I see him, he's here."

"Who's here?"

Ginny: "Fred."

"Not possible, he would have appeard sooner, maybe he's not a ghost."

Ginny: "I know what I saw."

"Come on, follow me up to the astronomy tower, I have something to show you."

Ginny followed me to the astronomy tower, and as we got there, Fred were nowhere to be seen so I called out: "Hello, anyone here?"

Ginny: "What did you want to show me?"

"Just wait."

Ginny: "I'll miss quidditch if I stay longer."

And just then Fred appeared, laughing: "Quidditch is important sis, but don't you think I am too?"

As Ginny saw Fred floating in front of her she started crying: "Fred is it really you?"

Fred: "Of course it's me, who would it be, George? I'm not missing an ear right?"

Fred took his hand to his ear as to demonstrate that it was him.

"And you knew?" Ginny said turing to me.

"Yeah he approached me this morning."

Ginny: "I thought I was going crazy just a minute ago."

Fred: "I promise you, you're not going crazy. I'm the Gryffindor ghost now."

"Really?" Ginny cried: "Why just showing up now?"

Fred: "Had to feel alive just one more time before comitting to being a ghost. So been travelling but been nack here a couple weeks."

Ginny: "And you are just showing up now?"

Fred: "I wanted to make sure you could be on your own for a while, and turns out I didnt have to worry at all."

Ginny: "You've been watching over me?"

Fred: "Of course I have, but I wish I didnt see something, man I can't see you two the same way ever again."

Ginny: "Eww, you arent even allowed in the girls rooms."

Fred: "Not as a student no, but as a ghost, I can do whatever I want, but I'll not be going to your room anymore."

Ginny: "Oh Fred, I've missed you so much."

Fred: "I know. I miss the feeling of my real body, and actually walking all this floating is wired. Now don't keep wood waiting, I am important but not more than Quidditch."

Ginny: "Shoot, I almost forgot, you'll stick around right Fred?"

Fred: "I'll be at Hogwarts forever."

Ginny: "Then see you around Fred."

Fred: "Later sis."

Ginny gives me a quick hug whispering: "Thank you, I'll see you after practise."

"Bye Ginny."

As Ginny ran down the stairs I stayed with Fred thanking him for doing this for Ginny as she has missed him so much, and this will make her feel leds alone.
As I was done talking with Fred I went down to my room and study with Hermione.

Puplished: 10-07-23

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