Non straight couples?

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Tuesday September 22nd

Quinn approuched me again a week later, I was sitting in the library again studying this time with Luna and Ginny. Quinn came up to me and said: "Harlow, can I borrow you for a second?"

"Yeah of course" I stood up turned to the girls and said: "I'll be back in a minute."

I followed Quinn outside the library as the spot we used last was occupied by a newly in love couple. 

"So?" I asked cuirously.

Quinn: "I asked Nora out on a date last week."

"And?" I feel the exitement inside me.

Quinn: "She said she felt the same and would love to go on a date with me."

"YES" I squeal. I can't contain my exitement, another non straight couple at Hogwarts.

Quinn: "So we went to the lake last saturday, evening picnic, stargazing and she told me about astrology."

"She loves astology too, thats awesome, but the date went well I assume?"

Quinn: "Yeah it did, we kissed right outside Gryffindor commonroom."

"This is all so exiteting."

Quinn: "It really is."

"So are you planning another date?"

Quinn: "I'm not, Nora is. This saturday actually."

"So you switch who plans the date?"

Quinn: "Yeah, we both feel thats the only way to do it, as there isnt a guy and a girl in this relationship."

"So what do you mean by that?"

Quinn: "My parents said that it's always the guy planning the date."

"But thats not right, sure my parents said the same, but even when I dated Sebastian, I planned some of the dates."

Quinn: "You did?"

"Yeah, he was really not the romantic type, so our first few dates were butterbeers at the three broomsticks and making out in the corner."

Quinn: "That sounds like a fine date."

"Yeah sure, but not five times in a row."

Quinn: "Right, but I dont want to keep you any longer, you have to study."

"I really don't do anything but studying but you're right I need to get back to the others. But Quinn thank you for telling me."

Quinn: "You are like a big sister for me, I feel like I can tell you everything."

"Of course you can tell me anything."


I get back to the girls, they are almost done studying by now, as I sit down Ginny says: "What was that about?"

"Nothing." I sigh. "Just that we have another non straight couple at Hogwarts."

Ginny's face lights up as she says: "Are you serious? Quinn and who?"

"Nora" I saw lowering my voice as everyone is looking at us. 

Ginny: "Quinn and Nora who saw that coming?"

"Well they are best friends like us, and a week ago Quinn came to me and told me they think they might be gay."

Ginny: "They? Why are you refering to Quinn as they?"

"Quinn doesnt feel like a girl nor a boy so they use they/them prounous."

Ginny: "And they told you that?"

"Yeah, they see me as an older sister"

Ginny: "Thats cool, so Quinn and Nora started going out?"

"Yeah, Quinn planned a date last saturday and Nora is planning one for next saturday."

Ginny: "How romantic."

"Yeah, do you want to head to the room?"

I give her a slight wink as I know Hermione is out with Ron and Hazel is out too.

Ginny: "A pleasure, bye Luna."

Luna: "Study again tomorrow?"

"Same place, same time."


Ginny and I hurry to our room, I took a step closer, I reached out to gently brush a stray lock of hair behind Ginny's ear, my fingers lingering on their skin. Ginny's eyes sparkled, and I could sense her longing matching my own. Our connection was palpable, an invisible thread weaving us together.

Leaning in slowly, I captured Ginny's lips in a gentle kiss. It was a tender at first, a delicate merging of our souls. The softness of our connection enveloped us, as if we were the only two people in the world, our worries and fears fading into the background.

Our lips moved together in a slow, unhurried rhythm, savoring each moment, cherishing the simplicity of our touch. The kiss held a sweetness that spoke volumes, expressing the depth of our affection and the trust we had built. It was a reminder that in each other's arms, we found protection and a sense of home.

As we continued to kiss, our bodies drew closer, seeking comfort and reassurance in the warmth we shared. The room around us seemed to fade away, leaving only the gentle caress of our lips and the soft hum of our breaths. In that moment, there was no rush, no urgency—only a quiet intimacy that spoke volumes.

As our kiss grew more passionate I parted my lips slightly allowing Ginny's tounge to enter.

I savored the taste of Ginny's lips, the softness and urgency in their touch. Each brush and caress fueled the flames of desire, and I couldn't get enough. Our tongues danced together, exploring the depths of each other's mouths. 

Lost in the moment, we stumbled backward, our bodies colliding onto the bed, the soft sheets enveloping us. I could feel the hunger in every touch, every stroke, as Ginny's hands traced patterns of need along my skin. We surrendered ourselves to the intoxication of our love, giving in to the primal yearning that had brought us here.

The room became a sanctuary, a sacred space where we could express our love freely, uninhibited. Moans mingled with whispers, the rhythm of our bodies echoing the passion that flowed between us. In that room, we were free to explore the depths of our desires, to give ourselves fully to each other.

Laying in bed with Ginny playing with her hair, hearing her sweet voice telling a fiction story that her mother used to read to her as a little girl. I Could listen to Ginny forever, I love the sound of her voice. My heart skipped a beat as I heard someone in the corridor, I left Ginny's bed, and threw a towel around myself, as the door slightly opened and we heard Hazels voice: "I'll just grab something and I'll be right back."

The door creaking as Ginny threw on a pair of undeclothing and my hoddie. As Hazel entered she didnt even look surprised, she just camly said: "Don't worry about me, I'll let you be."

Ginny and I both stood stunned as Hazel left again.

I got changed and cuddled with Ginny until Hermione entered the room with messy hair and red cheeks.


Puplished: 04-07-23

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