chapter 8 ( trauma)

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The dinner went well. Ellie or Ellienore as she wanted to be called, just behaved as if she didn't know me. She does the conversation as casually as talking to a stranger.

My Arra, from time to time wanted Ellie to feed her... On the other hand, Ellie also spoon-feeds her alternately with her daughter Ella. I caught the little girl staring at me, I can't explain but my heart seems there are galloping horses inside.

I talk to her trying to be casual.

"What's your name again baby girl?"

"I am Ella Toni Aturdido," and I know "Arra's name... Arra Crysta del Fierro, right sir?"

"Right, but why call me sir... You call me Tito,"

"Okay, thanks Tito,"

I saw Ellie whispering something to Dr.Stallin.

"No, you can't sweetheart...Please stay with Ella,"

"Yes... Yes... Thanks, Daddy,"

It breaks my heart hearing Ella calling Dr. Stallin, Daddy... Only if fate didn't play on us,  or Ellie didn't cheat on me, Ellie and I have either a son or daughter  by now and maybe older than Ella and Arra,"

"Arra wanted to stay here in the hotel tomorrow, she wanted to enjoy swimming with Ella, and Ella likes the same... that is if you want Governor," Dr. Stallin

"Sure! What time?" I asked

"From morning to afternoon, Tito?" Ella replied

"Ohhh... you might get cold with that?'

"We will swim for an hour Daddy, then rest. Then lunch. I want to have a nap with Ella in the afternoon, is that okay, Daddy?" Arra asked

"If okay with your Tito and Tita," I said

"NO! Not Tita, MyMy... Ella let me borrow her Mommy, right Ella? You'll share your Mommy with me?"

"Arra told me, Tito, she has no Mommy, so I told her she can borrow my Mommy. It's okay with Mommy, right, Mommy?"

"Yeah," Ellie

"Then, it's okay with me. I'll instruct your Nanny on what to do," I replied

"Yehey," Arra and Ella

"But you behave," I said

"I promise," Arra

I wonder, like Ella, my daughter Arra is too possessive... She dislikes anyone getting close to me, kid or adult. She would not talk to me if she caught me getting close to anyone. But with Ella, she doesn't mind when I spoon-feed Ella with a slice of cake. She even taps with tissue paper the edge of Ella's messy lips.

The dinner was over. I excused myself to go home, but Arra requested an hour's extension, so we decided to have some shots.

"Ella, if MyMy will agree, I wanted you to visit our house,"

"Wow... that's exciting... Me too, I hope your Daddy and you will visit us in Belgium too,"

I overheard the two little girls' conversation.

"Belgium?" I asked in surprise

"Yes, Governor, after Ellie and I decide where to settle down permanently, we agreed to be in Belgium... I bring back Ellie to Belgium when she's on her 7th month on the way," Dr. Stallin

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