chapter 38 (beauty and brain)

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As the woman leaves, I remember Ellie is in my private room... I rushed in...

"Sweetheart...???" I call her while opening the door. 

She didn't answer... She's looking at me so sad with tears brimming in her eyes.

"Sweetheart... let me explain," I said in a cracked voice.

"Let's go home," she said wiping her eyes with her fingers.

"Sweetheart, please hear me,"

"Let's take family matters at home Governor del Fierro," Ellie replied calm but firm. I saw in her face the Ellie I first met after our 6-year estrangement.

I guided her out of my office as if nothing happened after I instructed my secretary to turn over the clients to the officer of the day.

At home

Ellie disembarks without a word. She went directly to our room... I followed her rushing.

"Sweetheart... Let me explain, please hear me,"

Ellie didn't answer... she stared at me. I can't explain the stares.

"What if I won't?"

"I know, I don't deserve to be heard. I am now reaping what I sow,"

"I have my chance now to get even, but I won't,"


"Just give me honest answers,"

"Promise, I will,'

"Did you bang that woman?"


"How often?"

"Once, twice... I can remember,"

"You still want her?"


"Did you love her before,"


"Then no more issues... Let's have our lunch, I called the cook to prepare lunch for us,"

"Sweetheart, are you not angry?"

"To whom should I?" Ellie

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