chapter 43 (twin brothers)

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The first morning I brought her along with me to my office...

"Goodmorning everyone... I like to inform everyone that starting today,  I have my bodyguard no other than Mrs. Ellienore del Fierro... please bear with her, more often she will be with me. But you will behave, sweetheart, right? haha,"

Ellie just smiled.

"And I would like to announce that I have a lunch prepared for all of you,"

"Wow, thank you, Governor,"


Aris is so patient with me, and he is attentive... Even if I seem a pain in his ass,  he doesn't mind. I can't see him frowning or irritated... He always smiles. After I send the twin to school, the driver sends me to Aris's office at the Governor's office in the Provincial Capitol. 

As agreed, I stayed in Aris' private room, and, from time to time, I peeped,  and sometimes I caught him smiling secretly. Maybe she found me ridiculous. But I don't give a damn. 


I am at peace that Ellie is with me... I can check on her. 

"How is my performance as a bodyguard?"

"Exemplary... hahaha...So, I need to give you a plantilla item,"

"Hahahaha... how much is my salary?"

"All of my income sweetheart,"

"Hahahaha... you're fooling me,"

Now, it's Ellie's 3rd month...We are now on our way to her ob gyne for a monthly check-up,"

"Hello, Governor... Hello Ellie," the ob gyne greet us

"Hello doc Eva," Ellie

"Good morning, doc,"

"Ohhh... healthy... but do you want to know the gender at this early?"

"Yeah... is it possible?"

"Yes... excited?"

"Yes, doc,"

"Then, congratulations!"

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