chapter 22 (changed)

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I feel ecstatic. The entire front yard has a fairyland look because of the decorations... This is the request of Arra and Ella and Aris's plan to host a birthday party for Ella and Arra...

They are in sweet smiles welcoming their fellow kids on their 6th birthday.

Aris stays at my side throughout the part. He introduced me to his guests, and I feel he is proud to introduce me as his wife, I can see immeasurable happiness through the sparks in his eyes.

I saw the joy in both Arra and Ella that unnoticeably I hugged Aris in gratitude.

I noticed he stiffened, I got worried I thought something was wrong with him...

The party ends so well... The celebrants were happy and tired.

They were smiling hugging us and kissing us goodnight.

After the birthday celebration, things changed. Aris and I had agreed to try to start a new life.

Aris had reformed and back to the Aris who I loved before our marriage.

Every day, being the Governor, he is busy but he never fails to call to get updates from us... He tried hard to be home to share dinner with us.

He brings me to some of his engagements if there is no conflict with Arra and Ella's school activities.

"Sweetheart, please take care of our kids for me... Thank you that you are here to supervise them... I am at peace thinking they have you by their sides. I am happy you are at my side," Aris

"Don't worry, just do your duties and responsibilities, I'll take care of the kids,"

We are comfortable having chitchats that we usually do before sleeping... Aris having some shots, and I sip my favorite lemon tea.

Aris become more sweet and thoughtful... He always sends a basket of flowers. He always brings home something when he is out of town.

"If it takes you very late at night, please don't force yourself to be home," I told him

"I can't. I feel comfortable and at ease when I am home, and see you and the twin," Aris

"But it's dangerous"

"I will take care,"

"I got worried,"

"Please don't... By the way, we will have a National Governor's league in Baguio, next weekend... Timely that Monday is a holiday I want you and the twin to be with me,"

"We are not part of the activities,"

"I know, but you can have some fun while I am at the convention,"

"We will just stay in the hotel, the two will not enjoy without you,"

"You will get bored,"

"No... We will review their lessons..."

"Okay, whatever is comfortable for the three of you... But on the next 4dsys, we will roam around Baguio, I extend for 4 days,"

"Okay, that's more than enough of strolling for them to enjoy,"

"Anyway, how are they in school?

"I am worried that they may feel envious of each other,"


"Ella is always on edge over Arra, though slim gap,"

"They will not, let's teach them to be happy with each other's achievement,"

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