chapter 39 (strange)

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One night, I am on our room's porch... Staring at the cloudy skies. I don't know how to tell Ellie, and if ever I tell her, will she give in to me or it will anger her more?

I have some shots to warm the cold weather, the stars hide behind the dark clouds, and it is about to rain.

"Sweetheart, what's the matter,"

"Nothing serious sweetheart,"

"Why not share your loads to lighten it?"

"I don't know how,"

"Spill it... How will we know how to address your concern if you keep it to yourself?"

"It's about Mommy,"

"What about her?"

"She will be celebrating her 70th birthday, she wanted us to be there,"


"Yes, sweetheart...You, Ella, Arra, and I... She will be celebrating her 70th birthday,"



"Try me,"

"I wanted to attend Mommy's birthday, but f you won't come with me, I will not,"

"Then encourage me,"


"I will give it a try, is that fine with you?"

"More than enough," I answered

"When is that?"

"This Sunday eve, dinner,"

"Formal attire?"


"I will choose any from my wardrobe,"

"Sweetheart, I have your gown and twin's gown ordered from the House of Victoria,"

"Oh my! Why waste money for a gown?"

"It's not a waste of money sweetheart ... "

"Why? You are ashamed if poverty can be traced in my face?"

"I never did that sweetheart...It never happened, right? You know that. I know your status from the start, but what can I do, my heart beats for you,"

"No more complaints,"

"Sweetheart, the twin chose your gown for the party,"

"The conniving sisters,"

"Don't get angry with them... They are so excited to wear their gowns too,"

"You're spoiling them Ariston,"

"I can't take into my heart not to give you and them the best of what I can... Please understand sweetheart,"

"Okay, your wish,"

"My wishes are for you and the twin, I wish you all the best,"


I keep my happiness within me, I don't like Aris to be complacent that I am lax with him. But I feel his sincerity. He always makes ways to spend time with us. I don't know how he does it despite the busy schedule of being the Governor.

When he is in his office, I find time to drop by for a few minutes. He will be so happy when I bring him something to eat. He always blushed like a teenager when I gave him a peck before I left.

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