chapter one - anything for harry

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"Remind me why I agreed to come this again?" Finn moaned at Hollie.

"Look, if you are staying with me and you wanna still go see Harry Styles tomorrow, you are going to have to come to work with me." Hollie set out.

"Anything is worth it for Harry to be fair, even a footy game." Finn laughed.

"If you get bored, just think of it as eye candy." Hollie laughed.

"So bloody shallow you are." Finn dug into Hollie's side as she laughed. "What's the plan then, what do you do at these things?"

"Well it's mainly client relations, we normally chat to the player's family beforehand and sit with them in the game, then chat to the player after. It's not too arduous."

"And do I just stand at your side?" Finn sort clarification.

"You know you can speak too right?!" Hollie laughed. "Don't over think it. Just be normal!"


The stand around them had filled up with various player's family and friends, corporate sponsors and Chelsea staff. Finn had never been to Stamford Bridge before and it's shear size left him awestruck.

Hollie had introduced Finn to her co-workers and to Ben Chilwell's family. He is the whole reason Finn was stuck at a football game. He was Hollie's client, and had worked with her for years.

The players were coming out of the tunnel, and suddenly Finn's interest was peaked.

"You were right about the eye candy part." He smirked at Hollie.

"Hahaha well enjoy your afternoon of swooning over straight boys."

Finn popped his sunglasses on. "Don't you worry, I will."

The game had barely been going 5 minutes, when Finn realised he couldn't take his eyes off one player in particular.

"Who's the number 19, Hol?"

"That's Mason Mount. Chelsea and England attacking midfielder. Pretty boy." she replied. "Not surprised he's caught your eye."

"Just one of many." he played it cool. But the eyes of the young midfielder made Finn's tummy flutter slightly. Fucking straight boys, he said in his head.

The game wore on and Finn was surprised that he hadn't found himself bored or clock watching. Chelsea had dominated the game and taken a 4-1 victory. Finn even caught himself jumping up and cheering when the Blues slotted the goals in. The full time whistle blew and the crowd started to move towards the exits.

"You see, it wasn't that bad was it?" Hollie asked.

"Pleasantly surprised, I'll give you that." Finn replied in his deep northern voice.

"Right let's go to the player's lounge, meet Ben, and then London is our oyster." Hollie smiled.

"Buzzing, let's go!"

The players all filtered into the bar area in dribs and drabs. Finn noticed Ben walk in and make a nee line for the pair of them. Hollie had her back turned to the left back, as he snuck up and covered her eyes.

"Who's your favourite client?" Ben asked, still covering Hollie's eyes.

"It's hands down Lotte Wubben Moy, lovely girl" Hol replied, with a smile.

"Nah, I'm not having being mugged off in front of your mate Hol. We both know it's me." Ben replied as the pair embraced.

"You have your moments I guess." She smiled. "Ben, meet my Day One bestie, Finn. Finn, this is my second favourite client, Benjamin."

"Rude! Hi Finn, lovely to meet you." Ben hugged him.

"Hey, well played today." Finn complimented the footballer.

"Thanks mate, nice three points always means for a good Saturday night. I hear you are both off to see Harry Styles tomorrow night." Ben smiled.

"Yeah we are! Excited is an understatement." Hollie beamed.

"Totally gassed, and always nice to come and see this one in the big smoke." Finn nudged Hollie.

"She's always banging on about Manchester yanno, guess you can take the girl out of the north, but not the north out of the girl."

"I've taught you well Benjamin." She laughed back.

"You got plans tonight?" Ben asked the pair.

"No we are going to see where the night takes us!" Hollie replied.

"Ahh you both should come round to mine, it's my sister's birthday and I'm throwing a shindig. Just few of the guys, a few of her friends, it will be fun."

"Ahh I'll have to wish Alex happy birthday." Hollie looked at Finn to decide what he was thinking. "What do you think Finny?" she asked.

"Well, if you want to we can, sounds fun." Finn smiled, unsure of what he was signing them up for.

"Yeahhhhhhh guys. Love it. Hol you know the address, anytime after 8 is good. No need to bring anything, all will be provided. I'll leave you both to it and see you then." Ben grinned, eager to bounce around the other people he knew in the room.

"Ben, don't forget you have the Nike shoot tomorrow so don't be too hungover."

"Yes boss." he laughed as he walked away.

"You sure you want to go to this thing Finn?" Hollie asked him again.

"What's the worse that can happen? Few drinks, music, sounds like we will have fun." Finn said, almost trying to convince himself it will be good. Hollie grabbed him by the arm as they walked out of the stadium.

"When it's me and you, it's always the funnest night! Who know's, Alex may have some cute boyfriends to intro you to.."

"Calm down Hol, worst come to worst I can stare at some fit footballers and drink my night away." Finn replied.

"That's the spirit babe."

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