chapter seventeen - bump ins

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Finn walked out of Hollie's front door, and couldn't of made it more than 100 metres down the road when he bumped into a familiar face.

"Finn!" Christian called out.

"Hey Chris." The two embraced. "How you doing?"

"I'm good man, how are you?"

"Yeah not too bad, thanks. Aren't you playing today?"

"Yes I am, Villa at home. Are you coming?" Chrissy asked excitedly.

"No, no. I'm not. Just staying a Hol's whilst I have work meetings in the city."

"Ahh shame, I miss your face at games. How's the music going?"

"It's going good, hopefully finalising the album soon." Finn smiled.

"Well, I'll be streaming the shit out of it on Spotify."

"Hahaha, thanks Chris, look it was lovely to see you. Good luck today!"

"Thanks man."

Finn continued on his way. While he hadn't hung out with the Chelsea boys a lot, they were a fun group. And he did miss it a little bit. Finn pushed that out of his mind, and pushed onto the studio.

"That is the the one. Finn, it's brilliant." His producer Matt said, as Finn played him the song that he'd wrote whilst he was away.

"That's the album." Josh, his best mate agreed.

"Let's record it and I'll get mastering the final version. Finn sang it a couple of times and backing vocals too, before he left the booth.

"You better go and speak to manager Rachael, warning the hair is even redder than before you went away. She wants to talk schedule, single release this afternoon so I better get a version of this album we can all listen to by then." Matt said.

"Jesus, this is all gonna happen fast isn't it?!" Finn commented.

"Not to scare you but while you've been away, schedules have been discussed and think your first single is slated for three weeks time, single two another three weeks after, single three another three weeks, and then the album another three weeks after. Strap yourself in for a crazy 3 months. And get used to being in London a bit more."

"Oh great."


Hollie was making her usual rounds around the Chelsea hospitality suite after the Blues had secured a 3-0 victory.

"Chrissy! Well played today and great goal." She hugged the American.

"Thanks Hol! So buzzing! Hey, I saw Finn this morning, how's he really doing?"

"Oh did you? Yeah he's okay, think he's trying to forget all about it to be honest."

"Hmm, it's none of my business but you don't go to the gig of someone you are seeing, bring all your friends, if you don't LIKE like them." Christian commented.

"I'd agree with you Chris, that's why fucking someone else on the front cover of national newspaper is slightly confusing for Finn to digest."

"I take your point." Christian admitted.

"It is a shame but it's Mason's loss. Oh speaking of the devil." Hollie picked up her phone.

"You fancy dinner out tonight?" Finn asked her.

"Ooh you taking me out O'Hara?" she laughed.

"I am and it's on the label so it's gonna be posh as fuck, some place called Zuma. They've got me a reservation, for my efforts in picking a single this afternoon."

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