chapter eleven - qatar calling

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declanrice: always fun coming up against the day one 👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼tagged masonmountliked by jackgrealish, finnohara and 67,245 others

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declanrice: always fun coming up against the day one 👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼
tagged masonmount
liked by jackgrealish, finnohara and 67,245 others

laurenfryer_: the cutest ❤️
lukeshaw23: get a room
benchilwell: where was my hug?


Finn and Mase had arrived back late after the game, and pretty much went straight to bed. Finn had gotten over his anxiety of the event, and Mason's weirdness, and had a great time with Lauren. Mason's family were lovely, especially Jas, which left Finn feeling content.

Mason was flying out to the World Cup with the squad on Tuesday, meaning he'd be setting off the St George's Park tomorrow afternoon. With a little debating with Patrick, Finn had managed to get Monday off too, to see him off.

"Have you set an alarm for tomorrow?" Mason asked, currently the little spoon in their bedtime embrace.

"No, do you need one setting?"

"Let's set one for 9, make sure I'm packed and stuff ready for 1. Dec is coming here first, because we are both going in the same car. Just so you know." Mase informed him.

"Cool, you want me to leave before he gets here?" Finn asked.

"No, no. That's not why I was telling you. Just so you weren't surprised to see a ghost in a tracksuit at around 12:45 tomorrow." They both laughed.

Neither remembered falling asleep, but the next thing they knew, the alarm was ringing.

"Urghhhh." Mase groaned.

"10 more minutes?" Finn proposed.

"Better not delay the inevitable." Mase made his way up and out of bed. "Come on lazy, come shower with me?"

"Now that's a propostion to get me out of bed." Finn jumped out, to Mason's laughter.

They took a long shower, making sure they said a proper goodbye to each other, before the month ahead. Finn sat on the bed for the rest of the morning, while Mason packed around him. There was a lot to take on the trip, especially when they didn't know how long they'd be there for.

"It's gonna be so hot, Mase."

"I know I'm gonna actually die."

"Don't forget the SPF 50+, I don't wanna see any lobster photos of you." Finn laughed.

"Might make sure my tops of at training then if I know you'll be looking at photos." Mason winked.

"If you are all training with your tops off, think I'll take a look at a Rashford or a Henderson. They're quite ripped right?" Finn quipped.

Mase darted a look back at him. "Oh I see then. Looking at other boys are we?"

"A bit of window shopping never hurt." Finn laughed, before embracing the Chelsea footballer so he knew he was joking.

The pair were sitting down for lunch, when Dec rocked up, bags in hand.

"Oi oi, what we both saying then?" Dec greeted the pair.

"Excited to get going Dec?" Finn asked.

"Absolutely gassed Finny. Promise you'll be watching yeah?"

"Looks like I'll have to this year, may even tune into the USA games for Christian too."

"Ey, remember where your loyalties lie." Dec laughed.

"Yeah, can't be having you in other countries colours. Here, catch." Mason threw something at Finn. He caught it and let it unravelled. It was an England shirt with 'Mount 19' on the back.

"Have a few of these lying around so. I expect photo evidence of wear!" Mason smiled.

Finn blushed. "I'm going to get so much shit from my brothers for this. And not just because it an England shirt not an Ireland one."

"Well Ireland aren't in it so, gotta be cheering for us Finny." Dec added. "Right, driver has text that he's outside."

The two players loaded all there bags in, as Finn watched on, making sure his own stuff was out of Mason's.

Dec gave him a hug bye, before getting in the car. Finn and Mase took themselves off the road side and out of public view, back into Mason's doorway.

"Right, well good luck! You'll bloody smash and I'll be cheering you on." Finn smiled awkwardly.

"Thanks F. See you when I get back?"

"Sure, will miss you." The musician admitted.

"Me too." Mason leaned in for a kiss goodbye. Finn didn't want it to end. They made there way back out to the waiting car.

"Hey, why don't you keep my key? Surely you'll need to be in London while I'm gone?" Mason offered.

"That would be sick, are you sure?" Finn asked.

"Not like I'm using it, just make sure you ain't shagging anyone in my bed." Mase grinned.

"Fuck off." Finn smiled, catching the keys.

"Adios." Mase shut the door.

The driver set off down the road, and towards St George's Park.

"Just for your information, giving him the keys to your house and a shirt with your name on it, after taking us all to his gig, isn't the casual thing you've made out to me you want." Dec said nonchalantly, barely looking up for his phone.

Mason paused. "You're right, maybe not the chillest thing I've done. But there's no label, it's just fun."

"Who you trying to convince with that statement?" Dec laughed.

"No one, it's the truth. We are both free to do as we like!" Mason asserted.

"Hmm this is gonna end in tears."

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