chapter twenty seven - chinese

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"So, you're coming to Mason's with me tonight." Finn broke the news to Sam as they left his hotel.

"I'm what?"

"I had planned to see him anyway later, and then he invited me over to have food with his sister and so I said you'd come too."

"Oh, great! Thanks for the forewarning." Sam huffed.

"This is your forewarning! Look, you are going to have to get over your beef with him. He's back in my life and I need you to try to get on, please."

"I will remind you, I dislike him because of how he treated you. I don't trust him. However, for you, I will make a effort. I know we will get on fine, I just don't want to give him the impression that I've forgotten what a deceitful prick he was."

"You've done a pretty good job at that so far so, job done?"

"Aye, for now. I'm watching him though."

"Okay." Finn smiled, taking the small victory.

"Anyway, I'll be fine as long as we get a Chinese. No Chinese, No fun Sam."

"Hahahaha, okay I'll see what I can do."


Jas had been relaxing in Mason's flat when the footballer got in from afternoon training.

"Hey Mase, in here." Jas called from the sofa.

"Hey sis!" He gave her a big hug.

"How was training?"

"It was okay, only one game til international break so it feels like a wind down to be honest."

"Any plans for the break?" Jas asked, knowing Mase's ban was in place.

"Hmm, nothing in stone yet. Trying to get a few days away with Finn, but his schedule is pretty manic."

"So things are back on with you both?!"

"Early days, but yeah I guess. And you'll get to meet him." Mason revealed.

"Omg, ahhh exciting! When?"

"Tonight, he's coming over with his brother and they are bringing Chinese with them."

"Oooh, a full family affair! I love it, and I'm very Team Finn for you. He makes you have this childish smile like the one that's currently on your face."

"Yeah, I really like him so...but the issue is, I don't think his brother is that keen on my after the past couple of months."

"I mean, that can't be that surprising to you Mason. What's your plan of action?" Jas asked.

"I've no idea, just hang in there I guess."

"Hahahaha, to be honest that's a fairly good plan. Just have to show you are here for the long run."

"Long run ahh. Commitment phobe present." Mason laughed.

"Stop self sabotaging!" Jas bellowed.

"Right, I'm going to go shower before they arrive."


The doorbell went just after 6pm.

"Hey!" Mason opened door.

"We bring food." Finn passed Mason the bag of Chinese.

"Fantastic, come on through." Mase beckoned them in. "Finn, Sam, this is my sister Jas, Jas meet Finn and Sam."

"Hello! Heard so much about you Finn." Jas embraced him. "And Sam, looking to meet you."

"And you." Sam smiled and reciprocated her hug.

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