chapter forty - signed, sealed, delivered

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"What? Mason? What? I don't get it."

"He signed officially yesterday. He's moving up here, he's coming in today."

"Will you see him?"

"Yeah I will."

"How could he not tell me this?!"

"He probably should have mentioned Finn, but to be fair he is mad at you, and you probably aren't the easiest person in the world to reach right now.."

"Well now I'm mad at him! Don't tell me you're on his side?"

"I'm your brother Finn, I'm always on your side. I'm just saying I can see his perspecti-."

"Oh fantastic! Well you can share your admiration for his perspective when you see him today."

"Finn, sto-" Finn ended the call.

Just as he was gearing up in his head, for what would happen when he got back to the UK, and how he wanted a clean slate with Mase, Finn was rocked by this.

Being kept out of the loop was one thing, he could accept that. Mason wanted space and was under no obligation to tell him his work stuff.

But to move to his hometown, to where his brother currently works, to the club his family supports, without as much as heads up felt like a break of trust for Finn. He was fuming and upset. He rang Hollie straight away.

"HEY HARRY STYLES' NEW BFF HOW ARE YOU?" Hollie greeted him with a level of excitement.

"Did you know about Mason moving to United? Finn didn't even entertain her question.

"Oh, has he told you?"

"No Hol, Sam just has, as it's just come across his desk, why didn't you tell me?!"

"Finn, it wasn't my news to tell, it's my job to not speculate on that stuff, I have never broken that."

"He's not your client Hol, and is telling me that really equal to speculation?"

"No you are right he's not my client Finn, so until it's confirmed I'm never 100%, yes it's been the rumblings and yes Ben had mentioned bits Mase has said, but I'm not going to you with rumours or things that I know from bloody Ben!"

"Well it would have been nice to be given a heads up."

"Take that up with him! What time is it over there?"

"Nearly 2am."

"Right well instead of taking my head off, how about you sleep and we talk about this in the LA morning."

"My head is spinning, not feeling the sleep."

"We'll go try."

The phone conversation came to a close, but Finn remained wide awake. Thoughts and hypotheticals circling his head. It didn't take long for him to pick his phone back up off the night stand and ring the person he'd been avoiding calling.

He didn't expect him to pick up.

"Hello." The Chelsea boy's voice emanated from his phone.

"Why didn't you just mention you were moving to Manchester?" Finn forced out. His anger had turn to upset, and his exhaustion of emotions caused his voice to falter and eyes to well up.

Silence fell on the other side of the phone. "I honestly don't know." Another pause followed. "At first it was sort of exciting and going to be a surprise for you. Then when we started becoming distant, I wanted to tell you less, out of stubbornness. Then, I just felt nothing at all, no urge to tell you."

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