chapter four - watermelon sugar

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holliejsmith: here we go baby @harrystyles #HarrysHousetagged finnoharaliked by benchilwell, leahwilliamson and 3,271 others

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holliejsmith: here we go baby @harrystyles #HarrysHouse
tagged finnohara
liked by benchilwell, leahwilliamson and 3,271 others

masonmount: enjoy you fangirls
lottewubbenmoy: god jealous!
annafriedsen: enjoy my babies


"Just bloody text him!" Hollie told Finn, as they queued to get into Wembley Stadium.

"Nah, I'll leave it a bit longer, don't want to seem keen." Finn tried to reason.

"You've been debating to for the past 8 hours and honestly I wanna go and live my best life in here, without deciding whether we text Mason yet. Do it now, phone on aeroplane mode, go crazy for Harry."

Hollie made a convincing argument. "Okay, okay. I'm just putting 'hey it's finn, i enjoyed last night'. There we go, sent."

"Amen to that. Now let's focus on the main love of your life and idol, H.S."

"Deal." Finn grinned.

The concert didn't let the two Mancunian best friends down. They sang all night til their voices hurt and their ears rang. Watermelon Sugar blasted out across Wembley, and the pair made the most of the minutes that were left. Finn felt his phone go off in his pocket but he had no urge to see what it was. This was Harry time.

They sat on the edge of Wembley, once they got out of the doors, having a rest before they planned their route home. Finn took out his phone to see a new message from Mason.



hey it's finn, i enjoyed last night x

fancy a repeat tonight? I know you are at the concert but maybe after? I'll ping you my address, let me know x


"Hol, look at this." Finn past her the phone.

"Oh my bloody christ, he's into you." Hollie exclaimed.

"Wow, you sound like being into me is the hardest thing to ever comprehend!" Finn laughed.

"Hahahahaha, no, just he's actually into you."

"I'm unsure, this could be anything. Do I go?"

"YES, you absolutely go. Get in an Uber this second and call me when you get there. We can brunch and debrief before you go home tomorrow." Hol smiled.

"You are the best yanno, Hollie Joesphine Smith." Finn gave her a huge squeeze.

"It is hard being this fantastic." She giggled.

Finn ordered a taxi and jumped in. The traffic was starting to die down a bit but it still took him 45 minutes to Mason's. Once he'd set off, Finn began to panick. 'What the fuck am I doing?!', 'I've only ever met him once.', 'is this actually his address?'. As he overthought the situation, Mason text him back saying that he'd see him soon, which calmed down the musician. Finn took some headphones out of his pocket and put them in, turning on some Fred again, to drown out his thoughts.

"You've arrived mate." The taxi driver tapped on Finn's knee.

"Oh, thank you." He proceeded to get out of the car. He rang Mason, as he wasn't sure which house was his.

"Hey, I think I'm outside." Finn said down the phone.

"Hey, okay, let me come out onto the road and find you." Mason replied.

A second letter, the Chelsea midfielder appeared on the road, and Finn hung up.

"Hey, did you have fun?" Mason extended his arms for a hug.

"I did, it was amazing." Finn reciprocated, before being led inside.

"Welcome to the gaff." Mason smiled.

"Jesus, remind me to never show you my house." Finn joked. "This is beautiful."

"Hahaha, thanks. Can I get you a drink? Juice, beer, wine, spirit?"

"What you having?" Finn asked.

"Well, I do have training in the morning but I'll have a G&T if you fancy the same?"

"Aye, go on then."

"Did you have a couple of bevs at the gig?"

"No, think we were still a bit hungover from Ben's"

"Ahhh you softies!" Mase replied.

"A drink might have sent me to sleep so it was for the best!"

"Yeah, I have napped all day to try catch up on the lost sleep."

"Bathroom tiles are not the best mattress material, I must admit." Finn giggled.

"Not the only reason I couldn't sleep.." Mason said, passing Finn his drink.

Finn took a large sip. "Oh, why was that?"

"Had this quite cute guy pressed against my crotch all night so had to stay awake to make sure I didn't  get too excited." he smirked.

"Oh I see, I'm sure the guy wouldn't have been offended if you did get excited." Finn quipped.

"Is that right?" Mase moved onto the sofa next to him.

"Yeah, in fact, I think he'd have like to have a got a closer look.." By the time Finn finished his sentence, Mason's lips were on his. A long kiss followed, and Finn melted at the footballer's touch.

"Follow me." Mase grabbed his hand and took him upstairs.


7:45am. The alarm next to the king size bed rang out, until it was stopped by Mason's hand. Finn opened his eyes to a grinning Mase looking back at him.

"Morning sleepy head."

"Good morning." Finn awoke. "God it should be illegal to look as good as you look in the morning."

"Stop making me blush. Even more annoying is, I don't even have time to do anything about how good you look." Mason pulled Finn in for a kiss. "Got training at 9 so I need to shift on. What time are you going back to Manchester?"

"Train is at 12, going to catch brunch with Hol then make my way home." Finn answered.

"It's a shame you live so far away, I'd love to see more of you." Mason stated.

"Ooh, is that a 'I'd love to see more of you and you live so far away so it's honing to be a challenge,' or is it a 'I'd love to see more of you but you live so far away so I'm not'?" Finn questioned, feeling a familiar ending coming.

"No I'm not saying we won't, you have a busy schedule, so do I. I'm sure we can find some time to hang out though."

"Okay, sounds good. You know where to find me, Mount." Finn smirked.

"Yes I do, and it's about to be in my shower."


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