chapter nine - night out

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Mason, Ben, Christian and Dec were bundled in a side entrance of the O2 Shepards Bush, about 15 minutes before Finn was due on. They ordered drinks at the bar and carried them out onto the crowded balcony, full of Finn's team, family and friends.

"Ahhh over here guys!" Hol called out the the group.

"Hey Hol, you good?" Mason hugged her.

"I'm good, how are you?"

"Not too bad, excited to see this!"

"Ahh me too, I've seen him several times but still get so excited to see him play live. Benny!" She embraced the left back.

"Hey trouble, what's new?"

"Not much, what you guys been up to?"

"We've just had dinner out and come straight here, you've met Dec before right?"

"I have! Dec how are you?" She hugged him too.

"I'm good thanks Hol, excited to fanboy."

"Good! You ready to get in touch with your feelings Chris?"

"Always, Hol, always." he smiled.

Hollie settled between the group, next to Ben and Mase.

"Who's who here then Hol?" Ben asked.

"So the two guys over there, by the girl in the bright green, they are Finn's brothers. His manager is the lady with the red hair over at the bar. And our friendship group from school is dotted around everywhere."

"Any hot blondes in that friendship group, no?" Ben laughed.

"Hahaha, who says I'd let them date you anyway!" Hollie joked.

"Add me to the list for a hot blonde too, Hol." Christian added.

"Guys, calm down. Let's enjoy the show."

"Mase, have you met Finn's brothers yet?" Ben asked.

"Fuck off Ben, you know I have met one of them."

"Hahahaha, caught him and Finn doing the dirty didn't he!" Ben annouced.

"Ahhhhh that's rough, Masey." Dec laughed.

"Shut up, he's about to come on." Mase replied.

The lights went down as the crowd began to cheer. The venue held 2000 people and the noise of the sellout crowd was deafening. The synths started turning up and the electric guitars kicked and then Finn walked out onto stage, straight into the first number.

[🔊The Sound - the 1975]

Mason was in awe of him; charismatic, energised, just living. He could take his eyes of the young Mancunian owning the stage. Mase was also amazed how the crowd knew every word. He was sure Finn had said he hadn't realised and album yet, just a few songs. Yet the whole of venue was singing the words back at him.

"Bloody hell, Mase. This kid can really sing." Dec whispered in his ear.

"Fuck, I know. He's actually sick." Mase replied.

"You may not be the most talent person in this relationship." Dec laughed.

"You know not to use the R word, Declan." Mase scowled.

The gig went on and into a more low key part of the show. Finn had taken an acoustic guitar and sat on a stool, addressing the crowd.

"Wow, guys. Thank you so much for coming out tonight. This is incredible." Finn looked overawed. "So, I'm going to play you a couple of new songs now that I've not realised yet. Maybe a bit deep but we'll go with it for now. If you've ever lost someone, this is for you. This songs called 'Spit of you.'"

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