chapter eight - night in

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"Shit, Paddy! Give me a second." The eldest O'Hara brother quickly shut the door, as Finn scrambled for his clothes.

"Up the stairs, my room is first one on the left." He instructed Mason, who quickly scarpered.

Finn got his shirt and boxers on, and opened the door to his shocked brother.

"Hi." Finn wryly smiled.

"Hi." Patrick giggled.

"What did you need?"

"My phone charger."

"Let me fetch it, one second." Finn grabbed one from the front room. "Here you go, enjoy your shift."

"Enjoy your England international." Paddy laughed.

"Not a word, Patrick, I mean it!"

"Relax Finbar, I just shocked and have a million questions. I will make sure I stay elsewhere tonight."

"Love you." Finn shut the door and made his way towards his room. He found a panicked Mason on the end of his bed.

"Who was that?" Mase asked.

"My brother, relax it's fine." Finn sat next to him.

"And he won't tell anyone?"

"No Mason, he's my brother for god sake."

"Okay, okay. Just obviously need to be a bit discreet."

"The latch is on, Patrick is out for the night, all is fine." Finn smiled.

"Well then, where were we." Mason returned the smile, leaning in towards Finn's lips.


Chinese food was spinning around inside the microwave, as the two boys decide what film to watch.

"I'm feeling anything but a comedy." Finn stated, jumping in next to a freshly showered Mason.

"God, not enjoy a laugh?" Mason grinned.

"Love a laugh, just feeling something different."

"Okay but nothing romantic." Mason asserted.

"Hahaha, not into love are we?" Finn mocked the footballer's earlier jibe at him.

"Shut up and pick a film." They settled on the most recent James Bond, and with Chinese in hand, settled down for the night.

"What's not to love about James Bond? Great looking people, guns, cars. I'd argue there's even a bit of comedy in them for ya." Finn looked at Mase.

"To be fair, I can't argue with you. I love these films, although not exactly laugh a minute are they?!" Mason laughed.

They finished their food, and cuddled on the wide sofa, until the end of the film. Finn's head rested on Mason's chest as the credits rolled, but he had no desire to move. Silence enveloped the pair, both enjoying the moment of calm.

"You've still not sang for me you know?" Mase looked down into Finn's eyes.

"And if you think I am serenading you right now you have another thing coming." Finn chortled.

"I really wanna hear some of your music." Mason said sincerely.

Finn sat up. "Seriously?"

"Yeah, you've watched me play. I wanna hear your art." Mase said. "If you don't feel comfortable that's fine. But I'd love to listen. Feel it'd let me know you better.

Finn thought about it for a second. "Okay. I'm not singing for you. But I do have something on my phone from a session I did this week. I'll queue it on the speakers."

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