chapter five - debrief

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finnohara: morning fuel ⛽️tagged holliejsmith liked by masonmount, benchilwell and 1,678 others

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finnohara: morning fuel ⛽️
tagged holliejsmith
liked by masonmount, benchilwell and 1,678 others

samohara7: you're so predictable 🥱
jonnyproctor5: get back here and in the bloody studio!
holliejsmith: best weekend ❤️


The London Monday morning rush passed by Hollie and Finn, as they sat down to breakfast. Poached eggs and avocado was the order of the day and, accompanied with an iced latte, set the day off to a perfect start.

"Ah love a good brekky, perfect start to the day." Hollie announced.

"Me too, but if I'm being completely honest, my day started a couple of hours ago and it started pretty well then too..." Finn sipped his latte.

"Finbar O'Hara, you sly doggg. Come on then, tell me what happened. Do not spare a single detail." Finn went through the happenings of the night before, and this morning.

"So after a bit this morning, he was like 'oh it's a shame you live so far away' and I said 'well is that going to be an issue', to which he gave some busy schedules but let's hang out answer. And I just had a thought of 'is this going to be just another let's fuck each other over because we can' situation? I mean his answer was fine and then we had great shower sex. But it has just left me feeling like maybe he was just into me physically and that's all it will be. Which is annoying because I think he's someone I'd see something more with." Finn explained.

"Hmmm, I don't know Mase that well, I've been in his presence loads but I don't know how he operates or what he's after at the minute. Let me do some discreet digging with Ben and I'll report back."

"Thanks Hol." Finn smiled.

"But just a warning Finn, I've seen these guys go through 'relationships' like we go through Prosecco on a night out. I love Ben, but that particular group of Chelsea lads don't strike me as in their 'settling down' era." Hollie warned him.

"Fantastic news." Finn rolled his eyes.

"Hey, I'm not saying that definitely the case. Look I didn't even know Mason was bi until the other night. So I'm out of the loop on him clearly. And you should only judge on what you find, not on other prejudgements. I'm just protective of you."

"And I love you for it. Have you seen Mason with girls before?"

"Oh yeah, and plenty of them. Nothing more than any of the others. He definitely had a girlfriend when I first met him like 3 years ago, but no one I've known of since. Yet again, I'm not sure is would know." Hollie explained.

"Hmm, interesting. Never dated a bi guy. Anyway, I'm not going to deep the situation too much, I have enough on right now with dad, with music, and the bar."

"Yeah, how is your dad?"

"Good days, bad days. Just trying to keep him going to meetings, keep checking in with his sponsor."

"So tough, Finny. Just gotta keep thinking he went sober for five, six years after his first relapse. You can get there again, I'm sure of it."

"Yeah, just always tough just after a relapse, to be fair Patrick is taking the majority of the load with Dad, and we both just want Sam to enjoy Uni so trying to shield him too. Just another full time job to add to the other two."

"Always here babe. Anyway, how is the music, give me updates." Hollie asked.

"Yeah, good. A few gigs round Manchester coming up, then a few recording sessions booked in to try lay down some of the final songs for the EP, then see what the labels think so...we will see."

"Keeping everything crossed for you."


Mason pulled into Cobham, just before 9am. He jumped out of the car and rushed inside to make sure he wasn't fined for lateness.

"You're cutting it fine, money mase! Need you beauty sleep?" Jorginho chimed in.

"Perfectly on time, papi." Mason replied, ruffling the Italian's head. Mase went and sat next to Ben, who was near the back of the meeting room.

"Oi oi, how you doing bro?" Ben greeted him.

"Not too bad, not too bad." Mason grinned.

"What's that face for?" Ben dug further.

"What face?"

"You're hiding something that you wanna tell me."

"100% I am, guess who left my bed this morning?" Mason bragged.


"No, not seen her in weeks."


"No, we haven't slept together."

"I dunno Mase who?" Ben asked.

"Finn from the other night."

"No way!" Ben said in hushed tones. "You see maybe there's a benefit to my big mouth after all."

"I'll let you off this once because he is a sort." Mason smiled.

"You work fast money mase, honestly." Ben laughed.

"Not been with a guy in a while so thought I'd change things up."

"Love it. Aww but please don't fuck him around. He's Hol's best mate and she'll kill me if you're an arsehole." Ben worried.

"No qualms mate, I do like him to be fair. Like more than just a hookup. But he seems chill so it will be fine." Mason reassured his friend.

"Okay, okay." Ben smiled. "Ooh, gaffers here, let's shut up."


12 came around and Finn was waiting at the platform for his train.

"God, don't leave it so long before coming back to London. I miss you." Hol squeezed him tight.

"I won't, and you're up in a few weeks anyway so." Finn squeezed her back.

"Text me when you get home."

"Will do. Love ya."

"Love ya too."

Finn stared out of the window, headphones in. A track looped over and over again, something he'd been working on in the studio. No lyrics yet. He got his pad out and began to jot ideas down. This weekend had been full of experiences, some which felt like they might not be over, and Finn felt inspired. He wrote as the world passed him by at 121 mph, firing back to Manchester.

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