chapter ten - whirlwind

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finnohara: about last night

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finnohara: about last night... the empire 💚
liked by masonmount, declanrice and 5,629 others

holliejsmith: boy you were amazing 🔥
benchilwell: absolutely killed it my man
paddyohara7: crazy night


Finn rolled over to check his phone. 9:23am. He couldn't help but notice the amount of messages and notifications filling up his home screen, but he locked it and rolled back over.

"Morning, Mr Rockstar." Mason appeared in the doorway, breakfast tray in hands. "Thought you could nurse the hangover with a sausage sandwich."

"That sounds incredible, thank you." Finn smiled, as Mase put the tray down and got back into bed too.

"What does today have planned for you?" Mase asked.

"Going to catch up with the home amigos for lunch, got a quick meeting after that, then nothing planned. You?"

"Just try be as lazy as possible before tomorrow. You sticking around and coming?"

"Yes if that's okay? Is it at Stamford Bridge or West Ham's ground?" Finn had no idea where West Ham played.

"Stamford bridge, so you'll be familiar."

"Bloody second home." Finn winked. "Want me to bring us some sushi takeout back with me, if you are planning to be horizontal all day?"

"Sounds amazing." Mase smiled.

"Okay." Finn kissed the footballer. "I'm going to devour this sarnie, then jump in the shower and I will see you later.

The musician stood topless in the door, and Mason couldn't take his eyes off him.

Finn left shortly after, and Mase just sat in the silence. He couldn't stop himself wanting to be around this kid. Yet, he had this knot in his stomach. An unease he didn't know what to do with.

He rang Jas, his sister.

"Hey Masey, you okay?"

"Hey, yeah just wanted to chat, recovery days are dull. How are you?"

"Yeah I'm good, just getting bits done round the house as obviously we are out tomorrow. How was your night last night? Mum said you were at a gig?"

"Yeah, I went with Dec, Ben and Christian. The person singing is someone I'm seeing..." Mason dropped in.

"Ooh you're seeing someone? Just one person? This must be a first." Jas laughed.

"Shut it you, and no not just one person. This is just someone new, I like spending time with them. I cannot stop looking at them, they are stunning. But I just feel uneasy. Sort of why I called really."

"Aww masey, well have you worked out what is making you feel that way? Is it because they don't make you feel good? Are they not that into it?"

"No it's none of that. They make me feel amazing when I'm with them, and they are definitely into it. It's just I don't think I'm ready for it to be more than it is. But I also can't stop seeing them."

"Ahh, I see. Don't bite my head off, but it sounds like you have strong feelings for this person and you are scared of what that means. Maybe scared of what that means for your lifestyle."

"Number one, I can't have strong feelings, I've only known them a few weeks. Two, what do you mean my lifestyle?!" Mason retorted.

"Well, you like to have many pretty people in your life Mason, to have as you wish. I think you don't like it that someone actually has you this time. And I said don't bite my head off!"

"Sorry sis. Okay, well thank you the analysis. Any advice?"

"Don't get in your own way. See what happens. Do what makes you happy."

"Thanks Jas."


"Mase, you might have to help me in with these." Finn rang Mason from taxi.

"How are away are you?"

"About 3 mins."

"Okay, how much have you bought?!" Mason laughed.

"Well I've got a bag of stuff from my manager that's '#gifted' and then in some weird coincidence the guy at the Japanese was at the gig last night! So we have food to feed the 5000."

"Fucking hell, look at you since you've got a record deal. Bloody freebies all over the shop."

"It's freaking me out, but also can't turn down a freebie. It's the northerner in me."

"I'll be at the door waiting." Mason confirmed.

They sat down to a Japanese feast fit for kings, with enough left overs to last Mase a few more days. They discussed Finn's day, what his friends thought of last night, what his manager thinks of the contract.

"So how you feeling for tomorrow?" Finn asked, between sushi rolls.

"Good, both teams safe struggling a bit to be fair, but I think we have enough to get us over the line."

"Sick, excited to watch."

"Warning stations, my family will be there tomorrow. Just a heads up." Mason mentioned.

"Ah nice. And what do I do or say?" Finn tried to fill in the blanks.

"Well say hi, say I'm a friend of Mason's, my sister will work out who you are and that it is more than that, think you'll be in the same seats as them. It will all be chill." Mase skimmed over.

"Friends is it?" Finn winked.

"Well it's better than 'Hi everyone I'm fucking your relative', is it not?" Mason laughed.

"Well it's definitely better than that yes." Finn replied.

"Dec's missus, Lauren will be there anyway and she will know who you are so just lean on her if you need a friend, she's great."

"Ah cool." Finn replied shortly. He was unsure if Mason realised how uncomfortable it was going to these things, with no one he knew.

"I'll text her to make sure she looks out for you, don't worry she's super friendly and I'm sure you'll be fast friends." Mason kissed him on the forehead. "Film?"

Finn smiled. "Sure and you can pick."

"Jesus, you're feeling nice."

"I am nice, Mount. Can make you feel nice too." Finn said suggestively, as he leaned in to kiss him.

"Mmm, think I'll need proof."

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