chapter thirty three - 365

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7pm rolled around and the bar was well and truly alight with the sound of Finn's family and friends. The singer was in a black BMW on the way to his party, alone. In an ever more common turn of events, Finn had been dragged into more album promo work that afternoon, and had agreed to meet everyone there.

"Birthday boy not already with you Mase?" Leah asked, as she greeted the midfielder.

"Nope, duty called this afternoon, he shouldn't be far off though." he responded. Both of them were shortly joined by Chilly and Hollie.

"God I've still not got used to seeing this up close and personal." Leah scoffed at the couple, smiling. "Go be happy somewhere else."

"Now now, don't be mean Williamson." Hollie laughed. "Omg, he's here!" Hollie realised Finn was outside. "Dim the lights!"

"It's not a surprise party Hol." Mason pointed out.

"Still! The boy needs to make an entrance! Paddy, dim the lights!"

Paddy shouted back "but it's not a surprise!"


The eldest O'Hara did as he was told. The BMW door audibly slammed and the doors to the bar began to open.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" the crowd screamed as Finn walked in the door. Paddy played 'Happy Birthday to ya!' as the whole room seemed to swarm to greet the birthday boy.

Eventually, Finn made it to Mase.

"Happy birthday, babe." he smiled at the Mancunian, grabbing his waist.

"Thanks Mase. Love you." Finn said, looking into the footballer's dreamy eyes.

Mase pulled him into a kiss. "Now, let's get you drunk."

"Okay, but not too drunk. Papa O'Hara at 10am tomorrow." Finn informed him.

"Did I just hear that Mase is meeting the future in laws?!" Hollie interjected.

"He's being thrown in at the deep end, aye." Finn smiled.

"I'm nervous!" Mase admitted, over the noise.

"You'll be fine." Hollie reassured him. "You've got the football thing on your side."

"And paddy is coming too, so it won't be super full on. Ease you in." Finn added, as an excited Dec jumped on him from behind.

"Right Mr Number-One, America-Conquering hotshot, are we gonna hear you sing tonight or what?"

"Nah, Dec. At my own birthday? I cannae."

"Yes you can! Give the fans what they want." Dec added some more pressure. And before Finn knew it,  the West Ham player was on the stage at the bar, wielding a microphone.

"Evening everyone. Hope everyone is enjoying themselves. Very impromptu interruption from me but I've just heard the birthday boy was not planning on addressing us this evening or singing for us. So, by show of noise, shout now if you wanna him give us a quick tune."

The bar broke out in raucous cheers.

"Well then Mr Finn O'Hara, that speaks for itself." He smiled in Finn's direction. Chants of 'Finn' now echoed around the venue until he felt hands pushing him towards the microphone.

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