chapter twenty four - plus one

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o'hara brothers ltd

sam: how was last night Finn?

finn: it was unexpectedly good

paddy: what do you mean?

finn: I thought I'd just be mad and hearing him say stuff would just annoy me, but it didn't

sam: hmm still think he's a dick

paddy: what's the craic then? How did you leave it?

finn: we left it like if he wants to see me, he has to make the effort.

sam: so it's back on the cards?

finn: yeah potentially

finn: and before you both start, you both were all over him the night I performed at the empire so simmer down

paddy: that was before he was a cock

paddy: but I back your judgement so if you are giving him another chance, I can too

sam: you've changed your tune

finn: I really thought this reaction from you both would be the other way round

sam: nah I'm not saying I wont support you finn, I'm just saying he's gonna have to legit propose before I'm less wary of him

finn: 😂 love it


officialchart and finnohara: After his knock out Brits performance, Finn O'Hara bags his first UK number one with 'Someone You Loved'

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officialchart and finnohara: After his knock out Brits performance, Finn O'Hara bags his first UK number one with 'Someone You Loved'

liked by benchilwell, paddyohara7 and 67,403 others
samoharaaa: MY GUYYYYY!!!
declanrice: the g!


three lions

marcus: dec/mase/chilly, do you know this Finn O'Hara guy?

dec: yes sir, why you ask rashy?

marcus: the United dressing room is currently gagging for his album and me and sanch saw you lot in the follows

ben: 1) how depressed is the United dressing room? 2) yeah he's my agents best mate

madders: fit hollie?


bukayo: ahhh yeah think fit Hollie was at my birthday with the gooners girls

jack: you making moves on fit hollie saks??

marcus: can you get us into a gig dec/ben?

dec: im sure finn would sort out the three lions tbf

mase: yeah can't see that being an issue

jude: add me to the list, in my feels with the latest track

aaron: ooh group trip count me in

ben: fuck is Finn doing us a private gig at this rate?!

marcus: make it happen chilly


Mason Mount

Hey how would you feel about some of the England boys coming to your album release? you've got some serious fans in the group chat!

what do you mean fans? And sure it's a full on event so will need to know names but venues big and there will be space

Sick, a few of them noticed me and Ben follow you on Instagram and asked could we get them in 😂😂

already asking favours of me Mount 🙄

the next ones will be sexual


Hollie Smith

Hello my chart topping best friend

Good afternoon how can the UK Singles Chart number 1 help you?

Just letting you know the footy girls are in for next friday

Is 75% of my album party going to be made up of England footballers?!

What do you mean?

Mase has just text asking can he bring some of the England boys too

God what a great networking event for me too, it's pretty much a work event now 😂

Behave you, nervous now performing in front of them all

You'll be fine, you know Leah and Lotte and Beth. All will be great, and Mase seems keen if he's bringing plus ones

Hahahaha yeah plus eights more like

How are things?

He seems to be putting in the effort, I guess time will tell. He's mentioned going away together whilst England are playing next, yanno with his ban and all.

Oh shit yeah forgot about that, will be fun for you though!

I'm excited, just work is so full on right now that I fear I'll be away more than I am here. Already chat if me going to America next month.

Shit Finn, that's class. Look, I like you and Mase together, but don't put your career on hold

I'm not, just awkward timing

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