chapter twenty three - clean slate

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Mason Mount

Wednesday work? I have morning pitch session so could be in Manchester by 5 x

I have a press thing til 3 I think so should be fine, what you have in mind?

Dinner? I'll make a reservation somewhere and I'll pick you up from yours?

Okayyy, see you then



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finnohara: make me look pretty for the pictures
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cmpulisic: the boy
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Finn had ended up having to meet Mason at the restaurant. His shoot ran late and had left him flapping to make the early reservation.

"So sorry I'm late." Finn profusely apologised once he arrived.

"Hey, no worries." Mason got up to hug him. "Good things come to those that wait."

"And what good things are you hoping for Mount?" Finn quipped straight back.

"A chance at forgiveness?" Mason posed this as a question.

"Hmm we will see." Finn replied.

The pair had small talk about their days, Mason's drive up and Finn's overrunning schedule.

"I can't believe how much 'Someone You Loved' has blown up, Finny. It's legit on everywhere I go."

"Haha, it has been a bit mad, that Brits performance has certainly catapulted it to a different level. Hopefully it will make the charts on Friday."

"Of course it will! Maybe even give you your first number 1?"

"Ahhh I don't want to jinx it. But the numbers are apparently looking good." Finn blushed. "Anyway enough about me, how the second half of the season going?"

"Meh, not fantastically to be honest. Results have been tough and game time has been equally as tough. Just not having the best time I guess."

"Is Chelsea the problem?"

"I don't know, maybe. It's the first time I have ever thought about not signing a new deal. But maybe I need a change I don't know."

"Change can be good, just make sure you aren't running away from anything by doing so."

"I don't feel like I am, I just doubt whether I need a new environment for me to push on. I need a new challenge. But we will see." Mason managed a smile.

"When do you have to decide?" Finn asked.

"In the next couple of months, so some time yet."

The conversation turned towards the Three Lions and England.

"So yeah, obviously I have to try get back in the squad after my dropping." Mason explained.

"Ah yes, forgot the front page headlines had some footballing consequences too."

"Yeah, fully deserved ones. I'm trying to be less of a selfish prick and hopefully I can make it up to all those I let down and hurt.." Mason left it hanging.

Finn sipped his drink. "Well, this is a good start."

Mason placed his hand on Finn's thigh under the table. "I'm glad to hear that, I was serious about what I said at the Brits, Finn. I want to give this a go, you and me, a proper go where I don't avoid labelling it so I have a get out jail free card."

"I believe you, Mase. It's just weird to put aside what has passed, I think I can, it's just pretty quick. Also, my schedule will be mad over the next few months and I don't want to commit to something and not be upfront on what my life is going to look like."

"I get it's a lot to move past straight away. And I understand you are now like a global pop star or whatever." Mason laughed. "But I'm not going anywhere, I will show you I can stick it out through all stuff."

Finn paused.

"Okay Mount, I'll try make the effort if you will. I swear to go if there's another model or Instagram influencer, you'll be out of my life faster than Chilly runs from spiders, are we clear?"

"Crystal." Mase smiled. "Can I have a kiss maybe? Obviously not while we are at this very public restaurant but before I leave?"

"You've twisted my arm, I guess I can agree to that." Finn smiled.


The pair walked towards Finn's flat. Hand in hand.

"Right this is where you fuck off then." Finn smiled at him.

"Message received. You are probably saving me and encounter with Paddy, to be fair." Mason laughed.

"Very true. Although, if you are free, my album release party is next Friday. And my brothers will be there so you can look forward to that!" Finn dug Mason's arm.

"Fantastic. I will look forward to it." Mason smirked back. "Can I get that kiss now?"

"You can."

Mase took Finn's face gently in his hand and pull him into a passionate kiss.

"I'm sorry I was a dick, Finn. I know I'm shit at showing it and I'm not saying you won't want to throttle me at various other points in the future, but I really fucking like you. And I can't deny it."

Finn leant his head on the footballer.

"Well, let's see if we can start a clean slate?"


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