chapter six - sessions

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o'hara brothers ltd

paddy: what time you in the studio til today finn?

finn: unsure, probably up til late. why?

paddy: jen is ill and so we need a shift covering tonight

finn: what time?

paddy: 6 ideally

finn: okay, I'll make sure I've wrapped by 5.

paddy: thanks bro, I'll swing round and pick you up?

finn: ooh that would be unreal

sam: im coming to crash ur session finn, need a lift from town back towards home as well

finn: fantastic 🙃

sam: so have something to play me

paddy: just a taxi ain't I?!

sam: you do drive a yaris tbh

paddy: they are reliable

finn: true that's what gets you laid, reliability x

sam: 😂😂😂

paddy: im not even looking for anything rn

sam: yeah it's your choice you haven't had any in six months

paddy: stfu

finn: I say this with love, but you are letting the family name down.

sam: yeah the only good thing we inherited was being fit

finn: o'hara's are too hot to not use it x

paddy: im over this conversation, see you at 5


"Oi, oi, masey boy." Arms wrapped around the Chelsea player, from behind. Mason turned to see the grinning face of his childhood best friend.

"Hey brother." Mase now returned the embrace.

"What room have you got?"

"111" Mason replied.

"Ah neighbour, 112 here. FIFA later?"

"Yeah sure. What times this meeting?"

"In 5 mins so get a shift on, I'll see you in there." Dec called back, already walking into the distance.

Mason and the other England players had arrived at St George's Park this morning, for their October Three Lions camp and last camp before the World Cup. Gareth had them all in a meeting after they arrived, setting out the continuing plan for this camp, but also what would be happening regarding selection.

"So on Saturday, before you all depart camp. I will be having meetings with everyone, on whether you've made it into the final 26." Gareth set out. "There's a few absences at this camp with injuries etc and so just because you are here, doesn't mean you'll be in Qatar. Any questions?" No hands went up.

"Right then, everyone has a couple of hours before our pitch session at 2:30pm sharp boys. Do what you need to before then to be ready to go."

The boys filtered out of the meeting room, and around camp; some getting food, some getting massages, some back to their rooms. Mason collared Dec as he left. "FIFA now?"

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