chapter thirty - he said she said

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Hollie Smith

When are you getting here?

I've just swung round to get Leah, I am five mins away

Okay, door is unlocked when you get there


"Hol?" Finn called around the flat.

"I'm in here." The voice came from the bedroom.

They walked in to find her wrapped in her duvet and still in pyjamas.

"Right, you've not murdered someone so let's at least get out of bed and onto the sofa." Leah guided Hollie into the living room.

"I just can't believe it, I've been such an idiot." Hollie chastised herself.

"Start at the beginning and take us through what happened, what's been said, right up til now." Finn asked.

"The boys had won in Rome, and there was already a bit of a do planned afterwards, at a bar in the city. It was fun, everyone in great spirits, nothing too wild as they still have a game on Tuesday. Then some of the team start to head back to the hotel, the rest are heading to a club.

I'm pretty drunk at this point, and I join the club crowd. It's like Ben, Jack, Dec, Marcus, Aaron, Saks, Kyle Walker. But hardly any family and friends had come out to Rome because of the home game this week, so it's literally me and Sasha, Jack's girlfriend, who are the extras. Get to this club, I'm even more smashed, got dancing with Ben on the dancefloor.

Then, he asks me to go get some air with him so I do. We got into a deep chat outside and he was saying some stuff about how he was so grateful for me, and drunk me took this as a come on, and so I kissed him. He sort of kissed me back but then said that he wasn't expecting that. I panicked that I'd misread the situation, and then the fact he's my client dawned on me, and so I freaked out and called you.

Then, was on the first flight out of there today and I came straight home. He's texted me a few times asking where did I go and to call him. But I have not as I'm too busy wanting to DIE." Hollie put her face in her hands.

"Do you like him, Hol?" Leah asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you fancy him?"

"I think he's an attractive boy, but I've never looked at him like that. He's a client, my first client, and I'm a professional."

"Hollie, neither of us are doubting you are a professional, but that doesn't just stop feelings developing. You know in this line of work how blurry  the personal and professional is! Look, we are friends yet we work together." Leah pointed out.

"Yeah, Hol. This isn't any reflection on professionalism, the heart wants what it wants." Finn added.

"Eurghh." Hollie put her head into a pillow. "I don't even know if he's what I want romantically. And what if I've kissed him and he doesn't want that, and then we can't work together going forward."

"You're massively worst case scenario-ing here." Leah interrupted. "Why don't you meet him and actually chat?"

"Do you want me to get Mase to see where his heads at?" Finn offered.

"Yes, please. That boy owes me a favour so make sure he does it discreetly." Hollie directed.

"Haha, sure."


Mason Mount

Hey, got a favour to ask

Hit me

Can you get Ben's vibes after the other night, in a discreet way. Need to stop a Hol break down 😂

Fair play, since it is her

Thank you, let me know 😘


"Hey bro, what's up." Chilly answered his phone.

"Hey mate, what you up to?" Mason asked his Chelsea teammate.

"Not much, just chilling in my room in the team hotel, resting before tomorrow's game. How was France?"

"It was great. Really good. Obviously, would rather be on international. So come on, indulge me, how was Rome and the sesh?"

"Rome was class to be honest, sorry mate! Great game then great night out."

"Any news? Any craic?"

"Well, actually, since you ask, something did happen with me and Hollie.."

"Ahhhh no way! You finally shagged her!"

"No it's not like that Mase! Nah, she kissed me outside the club after we'd been chatting, then she ran off. Not heard from her since." The Chelsea defender explained.

"You that bad at kissing Chilly?" Mason laughed. "I mean, you said she kissed you, were you into it or not?"

"I wasn't not into it, I just didn't think she saw me like that."

"Well, maybe she does."

"Can you find out through Finn if she likes me mate?"

Mason rolled his eyes, whilst on the phone, at the high school situation he'd gotten into the middle of.

"I can try. He'll be tough to get it out of without him realising you've asked. Are you into her?" Mason made a final foray into Ben's feelings.

"Look, she's fit, she's class company. Yeah, I'd be into her. But she's also my agent."

"Mate, there's 100s of agents. We all see the chemistry. Don't be a dumb twat like me and fuck it up."

"Okay.... What do I do?"


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