chapter twenty - birthday bashes and bust ups

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"You sure you'll be okay in be yourself?" Hollie asked Finn.

"I'm 23 years old Hol, not 4, I'll be fine. Now please leave and enjoy yourself." Finn reassured her.

"Just feels odd you not coming."

"Look, you are already needing to lie to protect Mason's cover, if I was there it'd be 100 times harder. I can't be arsed with a night of seeing them both together anyway."

"Okay, well, love you." Hol kissed him on the forehead.


bukayosaka87: another trip around the sun #blessedliked by bethmead, declanrice and 956,326 others

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bukayosaka87: another trip around the sun #blessed
liked by bethmead, declanrice and 956,326 others

masonmount: more life my brother 💙
arsenal: Happy Birthday, Bukayo ❤️
leahwilliamson: happy birthday saks 😘


Hollie, Leah, Beth and Lotte arrived in unison at Bukayo's 21st Birthday. Pumping music and drinks flowing; the left was definitely already in full swing.

"Saks!" Beth shouted at the birthday boy.

"Hey girls. Thank you so much for coming." Saka greeted them all.

"Thanks for the invite!" Leah added.

"Couldn't not have the full gooners gang here. Lotte, I'm finding you later to take me on at the air hockey table, we have scores to settle."

Lotte laughed. "You can try saks but you can't beat the master."

The girls wandered off to get themselves some drinks. "Four G&T's please." Hollie ordered at the bar, passing them out as they were ready.

"Ah well cheers ladies." Beth raised her glass with the girls.

"Oh warning Hol, Mount and Co at 4 o'clock." Leah spotted.

"Christ, hopefully she won't come up to me."

"What's the craic there?" Beth's asked

"Long story short, I have to keep up a lie that I once dated Mason, to cover from him and a friend of mine. Which doesn't sit well with me, but here we are..."

"Sounds messy, why would she broach it tonight?" Lotte followed up.

"I think she's that sort of girl tbf Lots, had one perfectly fine encounter with her so hopefully it will be the same here, but Mason seemed worried enough to call me warning me she'd be here."


"Speaking of, she's making a B-Line for you Hol." Leah warned.

Hol swigged her drink. "Looks like here goes."

She shortly felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Hi sorry to interrupt. Hollie, could I have a word please?" Chloe asked.

"Hey, sure." The pair walked away from the group. "Everything okay?" Hollie asked.

"I just wanted to clear the air after bumping into each other at Zuma." Chloe began.

"Oh, sure. Not sure there is anything to clear though."

"It was just awkward and your friend seemed shocked at seeing me and Mason, as well."

"Ah yeah, he's just protective. Came as a shock, but there's no reason it should be a second time so, all good."

"I just find it weird that you still hang around Chelsea."

"The football club? That's my job, Chloe. I'm a football agent." Hollie explained.

"And there's loads of footballers in London, at different clubs, why hang around somewhere where you know Mason will be?"

"Not that I need to explain this, but I've represented my clients for years, way before mine and Mason's fleeting moment, some of which still play for Chelsea. I wouldn't stop a professional relationship to avoid someone."

"It's just giving desperate energy. Like move on, babe."

"Excuse me?! Who the fuck do you think you're talking to? To spell it out for you, I do not like Mason. There's nothing to move on from. I'd focus on myself and my own relationship if I were you, instead causing issues with me."

"I'm just defending Mason. Ben is such a bad friend for keeping you as his agent and you should do the decent thing by ending it."

"Are you unhinged? You are literally asking me to quit my job because you're insecure about your boyfriend? Can you hear yourself?"

"I'm not insecure, babe. Me and Mason are very happy and I just need you to back off, and leave him alone."

"Me and Mason don't talk so what is your issue?"

"I've already said it you deaf bitch, stop hanging around Stamford Bridge!" Chloe shouted.

The raised voices attracted attention and Leah and Mason were both straight over.

"Woah, who are you calling a bitch?" Leah got in the middle.

"That desperate sad sack over there." Chloe pointed at Hollie.

"We don't lower ourselves by calling other women, who have done nothing wrong, bitches. Apologise, please." Leah stated.

"Chlo, what's going on?" Mason asked.

"She's just asked me to quit my job, as I'm clearly using it as access to the irresistible Mason Mount, who I have an undying love for." Hollie laughed.

"I'm getting her to back the fuck off." Chloe continued. "She's still in love with you."

"No, she's not. I've told you, it was barely a thing and it was ages ago." Mason replied.

"Then why was she so bothered at Zuma?!" Chloe shouted.

"She wasn't, we just hadn't seen each other in a while and because I'd said to her I wasn't dating anyone." Mason tried to cover the real reason.

"You told her we weren't dating?! After you had made me a national headline with my tits out on the front of a newspaper?! We still weren't dating?! Fuck you, Mason. Fuck you all! Well I'll make one thing right about this, we aren't dating Mason. Not anymore." Chloe stormed out of the venue.

"She still didn't apologise for calling you a bitch." Leah said, which made Hollie laugh.

"I'm sorry for that Hol, I owe you one." Mase smiled at her.

"Well, I'd say your welcome, but. She might of been a psycho but the sad fact is the girl was right about one thing. She clearly thought she was dating you, and you'd let it rumble on, with you both naked on the front cover of the Sun to boot. And now she's the one who ends up hurt and her dignity in tatters. Which seems to be a theme of getting involved with you, Mount." Hollie spoke softly.

Mason looked defeated, and didn't know what to say. Hollie turned with Leah, and began walking away.

"I didn't want to hurt him, Hollie." Mason called after her. She turned back. "I really didn't. I was really enjoying what we had going on. I gave him my house key for fuck sake. I just wasn't thing and my commitment phobia got the better of me. And then I thought I'd fucked it and so just gave up."

"I believe you, Mase. But why are you telling me this?"

"Because. Because I want to not give up. I want to try again. And I'm going to need your help." Mase blurted out.

"You ain't shy of asking for a favour Mount, I'll give you that." Hollie laughed. "What you thinking?"

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