chapter fifteen - flights not feelings

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o'hara brothers ltd

paddy: so I've booked the flights

paddy: 18th December - 18th January

sam: so I'm broke xxx

finn: we've got you if you can afford you flights - £650

sam: I can do that hehe thank you all

paddy: flying into Brisbane, flying out of Melbourne. Road trip boyyyyyyys

finn: I can't wait get me out of here

sam: so gassed, can't wait for a sexy snap of the three of us 😎

paddy: rigs shall be present. 5 days boys, sort your shit out


Mason didn't even have the motivation to answer the door.

"Rescue and reason have arrived." Ben smiled at him, with Dec in tow.

"Urgh, am I going to be able to stomach this?"

"Well, we will see after won't we?" Dec laughed.

They all sat down in the living room, Mase letting out a huge sigh.

"Look it could be worse Mase. At least your dick isn't circulating the internet." Ben said.

"Well, it's not much better is it and my dick is inside a girl and that image is circulating the internet."

"You are right, it's not great Mase. And the photos thing I have huge sympathy for ya. But you are going to have to start owning your shit." Dec laid out. "I don't know what the fuck got into you out there, but you were a shit teammate when you were benched, and then you've put yourself in an awful situation at the end of it."

"The Mase I know, is the best teammate I've ever had and also, while he is a bit of a slut, isn't attending sex parties smashed off his tits." Dec continued.

This was all very sobering for Mason. Dec had never gone at him like this before, and it was starting to hit home.

"And just to cap it off, I told you that the situation with Finn was going to end in tears. But fuck me, for him to see it crash and burn on the front page of a national newspaper WHILST in your home must have been pretty fucking rough, and it's not okay to treat people like that. Right, I'm done now." Dec finished up.

Mase was on the verge of tears. Hearing that from your best mate was pretty tough.

"I know I've really fucked it and I've made things shit for a lot of people." Mason managed to get out. "We've all got an international ban-'

"Mase, I've know doubt you'll take your punishment, but don't focus on the impact this has had on you for a second. Look at the friends and family you have hurt, your teammates and management. Mend those bridges first, then your punishment will feel a lot easier to take."

Mason listened. "Okay, I hear you. Where the fuck do I start."

"Teammates - get something in the WhatsApp, get on the phone to Kane, apologise. Text Gareth. The family and friends thing will come with time, they'll know you're sorry but don't be scared of saying it too. And for gods sake, call Finn." Dec asserted.

"Have you tried to yet?" Ben asked.

"Not yet, I don't really know what to say." Mase admitted.

"All you can say is sorry."


Finn's phone buzzed in his pocket. Taking it out, he saw a name that made his heart drop. He took a few seconds to decide whether to answer or not.

"Hello." Finn chose to answer.

"Hi Finn, it's Mase."

"Hi, yes I saw."

Silence fell.

"I'm just ringing to apologise for everything. I've been a horrible twat. And I'm sorry I hurt you."

"Thank you. Even if it is 3 days late." Finn replied.

"I'm sorry, I didn't have the guts to call sooner." Mason replied honestly.

"It is what it is." Finn stated, heart in his mouth.

"Do you have any questions? I will answer anything."

Finn was perplexed by the offer. "Mase I'm not sure we are on the same lines here. No, I don't have any questions because why would I need to know anymore? I'm not trying to easy my mind because it's done.

I was never sure what this was anyway, and this confirms whatever it was for you, was definitely less than it was for me. So probably for the best."

This cut Mase deep. "No, Finn. It was something to me. Honestly I-"

"Do you actually know why you are calling? I get you are calling to say sorry, but I'm confused if you're trying to say 'sorry I hurt you, goodbye' or 'sorry, give me another chance'."


"That's all the indecision I needed, goodbye Mason." Finn hung up the phone. He began crying but didn't really know why. The stress of the conversation was too much. He texted Hol to update her on what had happened, then made his way to bed. 3 more sleeps til escape.

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