chapter twenty five - album

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"Names please gents?" The doorman asked the footballers, as they entered the venue.

Mason, Ben, Dec and Christian had been joined by Marcus, Phil, Jude, Aaron, Bukayo and Jack, in attending Finn's album launch, and they all passed over their names at the desk.

"You really came through Mase, Dec and Chilly." Marcus spoke. "Barely a week since I mentioned."

"What can I say Rashy, always deliver." Mase smiled.

"I'm actually buzzed for this." Jude grinned.

"Let's make sure you stick to the J20's, young Judey. Don't want Southgate thinking we are corrupting you." Grealish added, steering the young midfielder inside.

"Oh look who we have here?!" a female voice rang behind them. "Good evening all." Leah, Beth and Lotte walked up the stairs.

"Eyyy, what are you lot doing here?" Aaron greeted the girls.

"Finn's a mate, and Hollie Smith is his best mate so."
Leah filled in the gaps for him. All the Three Lions and Lionnesses exchanged greetings and chatted whilst making their way in.

"How you feeling?" Leah placed her hand on Mase's shoulder.

"I'm good, very excited for Finn like." Mason grinned.

"And how are things may I ask?"

"They are good. Early days and still on the graft but, the Brits thing got me a second chance."

"Well I'm rooting for the two of you." She smiled at the Chelsea player. "Hol! Over here!"

The football agent came into view.

"Ahhhh how exciting is this?!" Hollie buzzed. "And fuck me, how many footballers are here." They all laughed.

"I know, I'm half expecting Southgate or Sarina to walk in." Mason joked.

"You bumped into an O'Hara sibling yet, Mase?" Hollie teased him.

"Not yet, sweating about that slightly."

"As you should, plus Finn's dad is here too so, many an O'Hara about. Luckily for you, only the brothers know so, only two to avoid."

"Thanks for that Hol." Mason said sarcastically.

"Hey, I got you a second chance so I reserve the right to still turn the screw every now and then."

"Have you seen Finn yet?" Mason asked

"No, he left mine earlier today and said he wouldn't see me til after he'd sang."

"What time is he on?" Leah asked.

"Another 10 mins to go, I think."

"Right, better get a drink then."


Finn felt like it took an age for that Friday to roll around, and yet when it did, he felt sick all day. He couldn't put his finger on why. The world had heard most of these songs, he had performed on bigger stages. It never would dawn on him what made him so nervous til he was underneath the single spotlight. There, present that night, were so many moving parts in Finn's life. Many of them were in the songs he written, the chance he had given himself to not let them write the narrative, but to get across his side of the story. Little snapshots in time.

But whilst those songs were still photographs, the people they were about didn't stay still. Those relationships were live. And now they were in one big melting pot in front of him. His brothers, Mason, his friends. And his dad. Finn couldn't quite believe when Paddy told him that his dad had made the trip down too. He was, of course, invited, but previous form wouldn't have pointed to his attendance.

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