chapter three - bathroom romance?

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The bathroom called for Finn, and he fought his way from the dancefloor and up the stairs. No queue and he thought his luck was in as the current occupant exited the bathroom. A hand came on his shoulder.

"Hey, Finn wasn't it?" Finn turned to see the wide eyes of the number 19. "I'm desperate for the loo, I'll wee in Ben's bath, if you don't mind a toilet friend?"

"Hahahaha, yeah no worries." Finn laughed, loosened up by the alcohol.

The pair entered the bathroom and Josh locked the door behind them.

"Any luck with your manhunt?" Mason asked from across the room.

"Whoa, manhunt is slightly strong. Ben, Christian and Hol made it their mission, I'm just here having a good time." Finn responded coyly.

"Oh so you aren't looking someone?" Mason asked, finishing up his business.

"I also did not say that. I'm open to the possibility. Just didn't think a party full of footballers would be prime location for that."

"Well, don't judge a book by its cover and all that." Mason smirked.

"Indeed." Finn grinned back, pulling the door handle. It jammed.

"Oh shit." Finn pulled at the door repeatedly.

"Looks like we are stuck, let me text Ben see if he can get it out the other side." Mase calmly replied.

"I'll text Hollie too." The boys took out their phones, and sat on the bathroom floor. Minutes went by still with no reply from their friends.

"We'd better buckle up for the night in here at that this rate." Mason laughed.

"Well there's worse people to be stuck looking at." Finn said boldly, his confidence primarily sourced from the tequila.

"Oh is that so?" Mason smirked. Finn just looked back into the eyes of the footballer. "I guess I've had worse views too."

The pair looked into each other's eyes and Mason's face leaned towards that of the young northerner. Their lips touched and Finn's heart skipped a beat. Even in his drunk state, Finn couldn't believe he was kissing a Premier League footballer. Their lips broke apart, but their foreheads rested on the other, as both seemed to be trying comprehend what was happening.

The moment was brought to an end by the banging on the bathroom door.

"Finn, Mase. You two okay?" Ben's voice penetrated the wood.

"Yeah all good in here mate, what's this door playing at?" Mase replied.

"I'm pretty fucked, but the lock looks jammed into the wood, doors too heavy to smash down."

"Fantastic news." Finn said sarcastically. "Hol, I swear to go if I miss Harry Styles.."

"Calm yourself down, fan boy. It's tomorrow night. Just may take sometime to get someone out to this door." Hollie answered back.

"Look, it's 3am, let's all try get a touch of sleep and surely 7am onwards we can get someone out to this door." Mase reasoned.

"I'll set an alarm for 7 and I'll get on the blower to some people." Hol agreed.

"Well you enjoy your bed Hol, I'll enjoy the tiled floor." Finn laughed.

"There's some towels in there Finn, makeshift blankets if you ask me." Ben chimed in.

"Hahaha, thanks Ben."

They retrieved the towels and tried to formulate some form of bed on the floor.

"Don't feel like sleep will be happening tonight." Mase said.

"Yeah, this floor is freezing." Finn shivered.

"Use our body heat like penguins?" Mason offered, holding his arm up, beckoning Finn in.

"Good idea." Finn tried to play it cool, as he slipped into the small spoon position.

The pair spooned and chatted for hours. Mason asked Finn all about his life, where he was from, about his family. Finn took him through his life in Manchester, his brothers, his dog named Charles, and Mason spoke to him about his family and London.

"So what do you do for a job, Finn?" Mason asked.

"Well, I work for my brother. He owns a bar/bistro in Manchester and we run that together. But I'm a musician, so most of my money is from gigging."

"No way. Wish I had a guitar right now so I could force you play me something." Mase laughed.

"Absolutely never!" Finn insisted back.

"What? You've seen me do my job today, why can't I see you do yours?"

"I paid to see you do your job so you can pay to see me do mine, not getting your own private show Mount."

"Did you fuck pay when you are with Hol?!" Mason scoffed.

"Very true, but I did have a ticket so you'll have to get a ticket to one of my shows." Josh smiled.

"Okay then, well I guess I'll have to wangle a freebie some way..." the footballer turned the musician around so he was facing him. They kissed again, this time it was urgent. Passionate. There was desire there.

They eventually drifted off into a shallow sleep, only to be awoken by get more banging at the door. The pair barley had chance to get out of each others arms and the towels, before the door came clattering in.

"Morning chaps." the joiner greeted them.

"Morning, thanks for getting us out!" Finn thanked him.

There were a tired looking Ben and Hollie waiting at the other side of the door.

"Come on Finny, let's get back to mine so we can crashed before we need to get up and changed for Harry." Hol gently ushered him towards the door. They all hugged goodbye. When Mason hugged Finn, he slipped something into his hand.

Once Finn got outside, he opened it.

"Call me, Mase x" and the footballer's number.

"Oh my god, is that what I think it is?!" Hollie shrieked.

"Bloody hell, Hol. Yes it is but protect my ears." Josh replied.

"Ahhhhhh, what the hell happened in that bathroom Mr O'Hara?"

"A gentleman never tells...but I'm not one so..we kissed a couple of times. Had a cuddle. That was it." Finn could barely contain his excitement.

"I can't even deal!" Hollie was losing the plot. "I need every detail."

Finn shared with Hollie the contents of their conversation. They were both wrecked with tiredness but it didn't matter to Finn. He'd just necked on with the the hottest footballer in the country.

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