chapter two - wing men

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finnohara: the things i do to see @holliejsmith

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finnohara: the things i do to see @holliejsmith ...
liked by holliejsmith, ellahenderson and 2,318 others

paddyoharaaa: you in a football stadium, hell has frozen over
holliejsmith: stfu you enjoyed it!
annafreidsen: hahahaha love you bothhh


Finn and Hollie rocked up to Ben's around 9pm, and the party was already clearly in full swing. They were both dressed for the event and, even though Ben had said they didn't need to, had a bottle of wine in hand.

"Ahhh Hol you came!" Alex Chilwell grabbed the agent into a hug.

"Of course, not one to miss a party am I? Happy birthday girl! Lex, this is my best friend Finn. Finn, this is Ben's sister, Alex." Hollie introduced them.

"Happy Birthday!" Finn greeted her.

"Aww thanks babe, I'm so glad you have both come. Drinks are in the kitchen so help yourselves. Hol, we are doing tequila shots NOW." The younger Chilwell sibling dragged Hol towards the kitchen. Finn wasn't sure whether to follow or not, and so just ended up in the middle of a crowded hallway, not knowing a single person at this party.

He recognised a couple of the players that they had watched today, but barely knew any of there names nevermind actually know them. And then at the top of the stairs, he saw the dreamboat that had occupied the majority of his attention during the game. Number 19. Mount. He was laughing with friends and Finn got lost in his smile for a moment, before he realised he was staring slightly. He pulled himself together and back to reality when Ben came bundling over.

"Hey Finn! You came! Is Hol here too?" he asked.

"Yeah think Alex just pulled her off to the kitchen." Finn replied, as the Chelsea player embraced him.

"God, and she's left you twiddling your thumbs in the hall?! Atrocious behaviour. Come on, let me introduce you to some cool people." Ben pulled the Manchester lad into a large room, that was tonight's makeshift dancefloor.

"Chrissy, come meet Finn. Finn, this is Christian, our resident American and general bad influence. Chris, this is Finn, Hol's best friend from home."

"Hey there Finn, lovely to meet you." the American shook his hand. "So I guess you are from the north too then?"

"I am, yeah. From Manchester too, like Hol. Apart from she's pretty much a southerner now." Finn winked and the boys laughed.

"Does that mean you are a City supporter?" Christian asked.

"No, to be honest, I'm not the worlds biggest football fan, but my Dad and brother's are United fans and so if I had to pick a team, it would be them."

"Ahh we have a Red on our hands then." Ben laughed. "Oh here she is.."

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