chapter twenty nine - french connections

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london's finest

ben: how's the romantic gesture going money mase?

dec: hope this text isn't interrupting anything....

christian: hehe

mase: calm down gents, all going very well

mase: hope you are all enjoying international duties

mase: im certainly enjoying mine 😈

ben: well glad to hear it's going well

ben: even if you make me SICK

dec: it's fine ben, will make him sick missing out on our roman three lions sesh tonight 🍻

mase: you're so thoughtful xxx

dec: always bro love ya


o'hara brothers ltd

paddy: where did he take you Finn?

finn: st tropez

sam: ooooh fancy - send us pics of the gaff

finn: hahahaha okay sound, it's well nice tbf

finn: private jet the lot yanno

paddy: maybe I need to get fucked over by a famous person too

paddy: id forgive over a private jet too

finn: nah bro the key is to forgive them ON the private jet if you catch my drift

paddy: 🤢 no I'm done


The French Riviera sunset played out in front of the pair having dinner al fresco on a restaurant roof terrace.

"So where are the England boys then?" Finn asked.

"Thought this was meant to take my mind off it." Mase protested.

"It is! But let's also rip the plaster off. We both know you're going to work your arse off to be there next time, so I may as well support them now in preparation."

"Fine. They are in Italy. Surprised you didn't know that to be fair, I'm pretty sure Hol is there."

"Hmm, she may have mentioned that actually now I think about it." Finn replied.

"Yeah, now she has Dec and Ben on the books, I guess it's worth the trip out. Anyway, they are playing as we speak, back tomorrow and then they have a game at Wembley on Tuesday."

"We should go."

"Ok, there's talking about it, then there's having to go watch it." Mason responded.

"It'll show you're a team player, even when you aren't in the side." Finn wasn't letting it go.

"I'll think about it." Mase said in an attempt to make Finn drop it. "Sam sent me his placement application, by the way."

"Ahh, you just back in the good books. Who've you given it to?"

"I've given it to Rashy, see if he can do us a solid." Mason answered.

"God, Sam would die of his placement year ended up being at Manchester United." Finn said in amazement.

"Let's hope Marcus can pull through!"


finnohara: st tropez 🌴

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finnohara: st tropez 🌴

liked by judebellingham, bethmead and 71.123 others
leahwilliamson: yes my boy 🔥
cmpulisic: 😎😎😎
paddyohara7: thirst trap


As the pair were walking back to the villa, Finn's phone rang.

"Hey Hol, how's Italy?"

"Finn, I've fucked it." Hollie said in a muffled voice.

"What do you mean?" he enquired.

"I've kissed Ben."

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